Chapter 58: Mihasa's diary

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"You will see for yourself later when she wakes up." She gave a sad smile as she made that comment. "Its time isn't it?" She nodded and struggled to stand up. Yamamoto went over and supported by carrying her into a wheelchair while Gokudrea and I were each supporting Shitoro San out of the ward to find the main person of the topic - Yukiko -

While we were going over to Yukiko'a ward, I had been feeling uneasy ever since meeting Shitoro. "Tsuna." "Ah Reborn. I'm alright. Just..just.." he gave me a light poke at the side and told me not to worry.

Reborn POV

I had been noticing that the whole Vongola wasn't in good state because of Yukiko, especially Tsuna. He had been too quiet and looking uneasy. As his tutor I should give him more attention. Because i knew that he had been feeling upset seeing Yukiko gone through her last trials and the fact was Vongola was involved in it. He just gave a light nod and sighed a loud sigh.

I'm not surprised that when we opened we saw Hibari was sitting by her side, taking care of her. If only the Vongola and Yukiko didn't have such bad experience, I think the two of them would make a great couple, both in strength and talent. "Ahno, Hibari San, Mihasa and I have something to tell Yukiko sama." Shitoro said as the guys slowly supported him forward. Hibari looked at him for a moment and got up , giving space to the two of them. With Mihasa at her left and Shitoro at her right, Yukiko was centred.

Hibari POV

I got up to allow the two of them to take over because I trusted them. Because they were the ones to risk their lives to protect her and they were her best friends so since she trusted them so much, I would like to do the same. The girl took her left while Shitoro took her right hand and they began to chant something that I couldn't understand. "What are they saying??" I heard the weak herbivore asked and the baby answered.

"Its like an awake chant. This chant is only meant for the selected people with Acrobalono 's blessing. Only they will be able to read the words and chant with the blessing. It's interesting as many said that it was only a legend."

As the baby was speaking, green light appeared at the girl's hand and flowed through to Yukiko while Shitoro's hand appeared the mist colour and flowed through as well. "Au ni quake poliby ha" have been repeated untill I saw a slight movement from Yukiko. It began when her pinky started to move a little and within minutes, she gave signs of waking up.
Her eyelids slowly starting to move as the two powers from them got brighter and brighter until she finally opened her eyes.

Many shown their shock and surprise , even I was taken aback but I managed to maintain a poker face. The first word she said after the coma was , "H..hun..hungry.." then she looked over at us and gave a weak shy smile. That smile seem to unlock all the tension and nervousness in the air as those weak herbivores got hype and began to get her food. "As expected of Yukiko sama" Shitoro said to the girl beside Yukiko.

"Stop adding sama to my name, Shitoro. Just call me what you used to do when we are alone. And Mihasa, I missed you." Tears started forming in her eyes and she leaned forward to hug the girl. "I miss you too Yukiko..but you never change hahaha..always about food." Yukiko laughed a little before showing discomfort in her face. I was about to step in when Mihasa said, "it's coming sooner than I thought." We all looked at her expectedly while she ignored us and focused on Yukiko.

"I'm afraid that you can only get to eat after this round. Are you ready Yukiko Tomaru?" She said in such seriousness that caused the atmosphere to sudden tense up. Yukiko took a deep breath and nodded her head. Its seem like she already knew what was Goona happen already. Her bravery and courage were like tearing me down to pieces because every brave front she put, I hated myself for not able to protect her.

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