Popping my knuckles and rolling my shoulders, I breathed in to calm myself as much as I could. "Mikael never mated, celibate from the start." Grabbing under her arm, I pulled her up the rest of the way. I figured that's what she was going to say to me, and why his scent was all over her, masking her own sweetness.

She held on hand to her stomach, but swatted my hands away. "I'm his daughter, you dick. A lot has gone on since you were banished almost a millennium ago."

"So you're a pup. Figures, only the young can't control themselves around imprinted she-wolves."

"'Only the young,' yadda yadda yadda. I don't give a fuck about imprints and shit. I came here to make right of what my dad did." She stood up straight now, the pain receding from her eyes now.

"How noble of you." I studied her facial expressions, sensing truth but something else as well, "Are you to be tracker as well?"

A confused look screwed up her face, brows knitted together, she scoffed at me. "I don't think that matters. You almost beat the shit out of me for screwing your imprint and now you're curious about my life? Jumpy much?" leaning against the tree leisurely, she squinted at me.

"Would you rather I act on my anger and do what I said I would?" my voice came out in a bored drawl, but my body tensed and she took note of it. Her eyes widen a fraction and she stood a little straighter. Slowly shaking her head and keeping eye contact with me. I relaxed my shoulders and stepped away, "I thought so."

Taking in a deep breath, she frowned slightly at me as if trying to gauge my attitude. "Sara-"

"As much as I hate that you're here," I stared in her eyes, "I need to check my perimeter. You can go to my home and wait there, I'm sure your 'father' told you everything about this place." I moved to the side and gestured for her to leave.

She straightened her shoulders and smoothly started walking past me. My frown deepened as she got closer, her scent started masking her fathers and it washed over me like a fine perfume. My nose twitched as it hit me. When she got in front of me, I grabbed her shoulder and squeezed lightly.

"Leave my Beta alone. Do not touch her, do not look at her, and do not talk to her. You're lucky I'm letting you breath right now." I leaned close to her face and growled lightly.

She her head moved back slowly, bringing her hand up to gently grasp my wrist and pulled my hand up. I swiftly yanked my hand away and pushed her away. An amused laugh broke from her lips and she started walking away, "Yeah, Don't fuck with her while you're securing your border. Got it."


I walked up the staircase leading to my apartment when I caught Tegan's scent. I followed it and found her standing just outside her home talking to a young woman who has lived here for the past five years. I stopped and watched the interaction, the young woman was animatedly talking about the building, waving her arms all over. Her face was pinched together in delight as Tegan reacted with the same exuberance as herself.

A smile found its way onto my lips as I realized that Tegan would be the perfect Luna. A Luna has to have the approval of the entire pack, if her mate were to be Alpha. They have to be wise, a people person, outgoing, understanding, caring, and everything to their pack. Because when the Alpha is away, she is the leader. And if the Alpha were to die unexpectedly, she was the pack leader until a new opponent rose. There were packs that were strictly led by Luna's, even if the Alpha was in the picture.

I laughed lightly and walked up to them. The woman barely glanced at me with a small grin, when she bid Tegan a 'See ya later!'

"She's cute." I commented as she hurried away back to her home.

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