Ch. 6 The Festival and Illness

Start from the beginning

"Yes actually, I just sent her to pick up a few paint brushes for the face painting booth."

"Did she seem alright?" Kuroh asked concerned as well.

"Mmm...I guess. She had on a mask to keep from spreading germs or to prevent a cold from happening or something like that."

"I hope she can make the festival tonight." Yashiro said.

Kuroh turned around and walked away. Yashiro and Kukuri looked at each other.

"He's probably off finding her."

"She's okay, I hope." Kukuri said.

"Achoo!" I sneezed as people scoot away from me.

I walked down to an art store that was filled with paintings and sculptures. I looked around as the shop kind of looks like a ball room.

"Wow!" I said in awe.

"May I help you?" I sweet elderly woman came to my aid.

"Yes ma'am, I was just wondering if you had any small paint brushes?"

"Of course, sweetheart, just follow me." She lead the way.

She moved a few things over here and over there. Then she finally found a few of them.

"These what you're looking for missy?" She showed them to me.

"Yes ma'am that's perfect! ACHOO!!!" I sneezed in the mask.

"Looks like someone's a little sick aye?" She asked as she rung up the brushes.

"I am, but I promise you it's not severe at all." In denial I say as I pay for the brushes.

"Well all I can say is get well soon." She put the brushes in the bag and handed it to me.

"Thanks." I left the shop to be greeted by Munakata in his regular clothing.

I tried to walk the other direction but I was caught by his hello.

"Good day, Miss Kasamura."

"Off from working today are we?" I turn to look at him.

"Correct. Aren't you suppose to be in school?"

"I was heading that way now." I tried walking pass him but he suddenly grabs my arm.

"What are you doing?" I try to pull away.

"That covering over your face? You're not doing to well." He looks at my mask.

"I'm fine." I snatch away from him.

"You're sick because Suoh tried to train you how to use your powers."

I stopped. "What does him having to train me how to use my powers make me sick?"

"It isn't your average common cold, you're having a fever. I can't believe you aren't even burning up yet."

"I'm not following."

"He knows we're having this conversation as of right now. He can't quite make out your location yet. He must've had a close encounter with you to know who you're speaking to. He's listening to us."

"You're ridiculous." I walked away faster this time with uneasiness.

Mikoto was grinning with his hands close to his mouth.

I returned to school with the paint brushes by my side. Kukuri came to me with a gigantic smile, I covered my mouth to keep the germs from her.

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