"What do you mean your mother is here?" I heard his tone suddenly change from soft to hard.

"S-she was right in front of me when you left to get us a drink. She was with a man." I opened my eyes and stared out at the river and the city. "How can she be here Liam? I thought i'd never see her again and her she is." More tears ran down my cheeks and I knew my makeup was starting to get ruined.

"Jenna." Liam said his voice soft and he gently turned me around by my waist. "Lets get you out of here." He brought his hands up and cupped my cheeks. With the pads of his thumbs he wiped away the tears coming down my cheeks.

"What no Liam we can't go. This is your benefit party." I said looking up into his eyes.

"I do not care, they will be fine without me. I don't want you to face that woman." I don't know if it was because I was so emotional at the moment but him saying that made my heart beat faster. Liam cared enough about me to leave his companies benefit party so I wouldn't have to face my mother.


"No we are leaving." He interrupted me. He gave me a firm look while wiping his thumbs under my eyes, cleaning my running mascara off. "Lets go." Giving me a nod he grabbed my hand gently with his and started for the door. With his hand in mine I felt better, like I could face whatever was ahead with him beside me. Pushing down all my feelings for a moment I followed Liam practically hiding behind him. He was going to be my shield to get out of here. Just as we made it half way across the room someone had to stop us.

"Liam!" A man's voice said. Pressing tightly against Liam side I peaked up through my hair and at the man. Instantly I froze and clenched Liam's hand tighter. The man that was with my mother was standing in front of us. Up close he looked be in his 40's same as my mother. His brown hair was cut short and his black tux fit him pretty well.

"Martin." Liam said glancing down at me confused when I clenched his hand.

"It is great to see you. We haven't talked in a while." The guy Martin said. The moment I heard his name I cocked my head to the side trying to remember where I heard that name before.

"Martin this is my fiancé Jenna." Liam said cutting him off. The man's attention turned to me and leaned more into Liam's side. I knew my makeup was messed up from crying.

"Hello. I guess I better introduce myself. I am Martin Brotherson." He stuck his hand out to me. Suddenly the name clicked and I had to force myself not to run away.

Stupid Jenna! Why didn't you figure it out before!? I shouted at myself. Brotherson was one of the names Lennon had me know. His wife's name was Karen and they had 2 kids, twins matter of fact.  At the time I didn't realize that his wife had the same name as my mother, Karen. But now having seen them together before I knew she really was married to him and probably had other kids. I may have other siblings?!

"Honey...Oh it is Liam Stanford." An all too familiar voice said. A hand wrapped itself around Martin's arm and my mothers face came into view. She was looking at Liam with a wide smile not having seen me yet. I pushed myself even more into Liam's side wanting to melt into him. My mother was right in front of me!

"Karen." Liam said oblivious to the fact to who she was. A strangle sound escaped my lips before I could stop it, making everyone turn to me. The same colored eyes as my own stared at me. I could tell right then that she did not recognize me at all. Nothing popped into her eyes of recognition. At that realization my heart crumbled into a pile at my feet.

My hand tighten painfully around Liam's I was certain I would break his hand. He looked down at me but I couldn't keep my eyes off my mom. He must have gotten the hint or something for he looked between Karen and I before his mouth turned into a thin line.

A Year Agreement  (PUBLISHED!)Where stories live. Discover now