Chappter 11

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Previous chapter:

"Knowledge IS power."  It read.

I shrieked as the flame ate away the remains of the paper and caught onto another. He knew. He knew about the fire. I was shaking and my breath was caught in my throat. I couldn't scream for help. And no one turned to look in this direction. No one was noticing that fire begun eating away on my papers. I stumbled of my chair, feeling it fall to my legs. I stared into the flame, two hazel, cat shaped eyes staring back at me from the other side of the flame. I began hyperventilating as the realisation of what was happening caught up with my brain. It was too late to scream. It all turned black.

It all turned black.

He knows.


Chapter 11 -

There comes a time, when your whole life flashes before your eyes. Right before all you see is black. I've lost count to how many times that happened to me already. But yet here was another time to add to my on-going list.  Shakespeare once said "To be or not to be" and every single time this happens to me, I think those exact words, what am I doing here alive? If this continuously happens to me, why am I still here? Why can't this all just end, and save me the pain?

As I begin to regain consciousness, I hear shuffling around my surroundings in the silence. I felt as if I was on a bed and the mattress seemed to go down near my feet as if someone sat down next to them.  I slowly began opening my eyes; my world seemed to be spinning in a white light, while my head was still pounding. My eyes slowly adjusted to the lighting before a clear face became into focus.

"Karma's a bitch Valerie..."  Jonah said in a sing-song voice which creeped me out. I tried shuffling backwards but almost failed immediately when my head begun spinning and fell heavily back onto the pillow.

"No need to be scared," He said shuffling closer to me, "It will come to you." He said smiling evilly now. I looked around noticing I was in the sickbay at our school, I've never been here but it was recognisable.

"It is a bitch Jonah, wait until it hits you, you won't see what's coming for you." It took all the strength I had to put together that sentence in my fuzzed up brain. He laughed at my retort.

"That's a good one Valerie," He said before his face turned automatically serious, scaring me even more. "I don't like it when you talk to me like that." Now reaching for my arm.

"Let go of me." I spat, I sat up on the bed now, straight away flinching at the pain on my cheek. He had slapped me again. I could feel the imprint he left there; it felt like burning pins and needles slowly melting into my skin.

"You know," He said looking up, "I don't even know why I don't just kill you Valerie; I mean you just don't know when to go away, you always come back!" He looked at me now, those hazel cat-shaped eyes sending chills down my spine. I felt disgusted that his filthy hand was now gripping tightly onto my forearm, and disgusted by just being in his presence.

"Why don't you just leave me alone, I haven't done anything, you're the one who keeps coming to me for trouble."

"Naww!" He sulked sarcastically, "But like I overheard you say Valerie, knowledge is power, and you my dear," he continued trailing a finger up and down my arm. "know something you shouldn't. And I mean, who knows what you could do with that information!" I flinched away revolted by his touch. I wanted to puke right about now.

"By the way," He smiled that horrible smile that was pretty much imprinted in his facial features, "So sorry to hear about your whole family dying in that fire!" As if an instinct, I slapped him across the face and his smile wiped of his face. He pushed me down by the throat, suffocating my air ways.

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