Chapter 5

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- First of all MERRY CHRISTMAS & A HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONEE!! I hope you all had a better new years eve/day than I did and all the best for the year ahead!
- Secondly, I've been working on a new story recently, but have no fear, there's heaps to come  in this one!
- Okay I'm going to stop this numbering stuff, but I'm dedicating this chapter to @Waitingtobefree, she's been here for me through this whole writing-a-story experience and has been an excited, loyal and very encouraging friend!  I am also obsessed with one of her new stories 'Can you see me?' so check it out when you have spare time guys! And I really hope you won't be pissed at me because I mentioned your story @Waitingtobefree :) hehe, right?
- I'd also like to remind you guys that the more comments and votes, the faster I'll update :)
- Last point I promise!! If you read this CONGRATULATIONS!! And happy  reading! :D



Chance. A possibility or probability of anything happening. What was happening? When I put pen to paper, and an image in my head, I could write about it, my words would flow, and in the end I'd be left with a page of details, the image in my head would now be an image on a paper that you could visualise just by reading it. So why, now, was my mind blank? An image before me, yet the connection between my mind and mouth had been cut off and lost. I didn't know what I was thinking, I could not form one word, or one thought to describe what I was seeing. I sat there propping myself up with an elbow, just staring unconsciously at the image that lied before me. What was happening?

I inhaled sharply in shock, and that's when my first thought of what was happening came to me. 'WOW, he looks hot bare-chested.' I slapped myself, what the hell was I thinking. Seriously? That was the first thing that came to my mind when I found myself sleeping next to a bare chested guy?  He looks hot? Well I didn't see that one coming mind, gee thanks. Of course he looked hot, but why wasn’t he wearing a shirt? Was he trying to kill me?! Clearly he was unaware of the effect he had on me.

He was still asleep, thank goodness; he really didn’t have to see me having a mental panic attack here. As if it was an instinct reaction, I slapped his face in attempt to wake him up, he just laid there motionless and pulled me closer to him with the arm that was around my waist. I realised now that that was the warmth around my body that I was feeling before, we were pretty much entwined together head to toe. I tried poking him this time, on his cheeks, then lower and lower. On his chest, this must seem really creepy to an outcast. I let my hand drop back onto his chest; knowing I failed at my attempt, completely forgetting I was alone in a house with a bare-chested guy in my bedroom. I quickly pulled my hand off his chest realising I had slapped it, and blushed. Then he smirked. I wasn’t sure if he was dreaming or he knew my reaction and just wanted to make fun of me.

I decided on the latter and tried to beat him at his own game, (not that I had any idea what it was) but just to be sure I slapped his head again to see if I’d get a reaction, and when I didn’t I loudly groaned. He stiffened up for a split second and the smirk was back on his face.  Now I really wanted to wipe that off his face, as sexy as it looked. I couldn't believe I was going to do this, it wasn't like me at all. It was nothing major, it just wouldn't be the thing I'd do. But it was an in-the-moment decision and I decided to go with it. I snuggled in closer to him, entwining my legs with his, pulling his chest closer to my own. I tilted my head upwards and in the most seductive voice I could pull of I whispered in his ear and slightly on his neck,

“Adriann...” I could tell as my hot breath reached his skin his eyes shot open.

I jumped off him, grabbed the nearest pillow and slammed it on his face.

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