-Chapter 2-

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I waltzed into English, sliding into my seat.

Mike and Tony were basically falling asleep on each other, Gerard was scribbling drawings in his notebook, Frank was listening to music, and Jaime was rapidly talking while no one was listening.

"Dude. You realize no ones listening to you, right?" I chuckled, taking out my notebook to get ready for class.

"Whatever." He rolled his eyes, chuckling a little too. I flipped through the pages, accidentally opening to one of hearts with Kellin's name in them. Everyone seemed to be magically paying attention as Tony ripped the paper away from me.


"Hey! Give it back!" I whined, turning red as ever.

"No! It's cute. Look, you're blushing Vic. You're blushing!" He dragged out blushing, make me do just that.

"Shut up and go back to sleep," I say, taking the paper before Kellin saw, considering his table is right beside ours.

Speaking of the devil, Kellin strolled in, going to his vacant table beside ours. A smile came onto his face when he saw the board that said to free write for this period. His passion is so fucking cute.

"What are you smiling at?" Gee asked smugly. I must have been subconsciously smiling.

I shrugged, "Kellin's so cute, I mean, look at him." I nodded at him, watching him scribble words into his notebook.

"You've got it bad, man." Frank laughed, high fiving Gee. My eyes flickered to the teacher, who was on her phone, probably on social media. She was too preoccupied, and she probably wouldn't notice if I got up from my seat.

Yesterday was when I talked to Kellin for the first time, and this was the perfect opportunity to do it again. People weren't really fond of me talking to him yesterday, and some even commented on it. But I couldn't give less fucks.

If I want to talk to Kellin, then I'll talk to Kellin. I'm popular because people like my personality, and if that suddenly changes because I'm talking to Kellin then they can go fuck themselves. Popularity isn't worth it. I mean, especially if they don't even like me enough to still be friends with me after I hang out with someone who isn't popular.

I picked up my stuff, slinging my bag around my shoulder.

"Dude, where are you going?" Tony questioned, balancing his pencil between his lip and nose. I pointed to Kellin's table.

They smirked, nodding their heads at each other. 'Peace' I mouthed, sliding into the seat next to Kellin. The table was empty so I could have sat anywhere, but I wanted sit beside Kellin.

"Hey," I whispered. He stopped writing, looking up at me. Another confused look was etched into his features.

"No offence at all, b-but... why are you here?" he asked softly, tapping his pencil against his paper.

"Because, I really wanted to talk to you again," I told him honestly. It's true, ever since I talked to him even for mere moments, I wanted to do it again. There's so many fascinating things I could learn about Kellin if he lets me talk to him.

"Trust me, no you don't." He spoke timidly like usual, which I loved. I scoffed. "Yes, I do. You're so intelligent, the thoughts you have in your head must be beautiful." I smiled, peaking at his paper, then deciding it was rude so didn't read it.

"O-oh..." He gulped, "T-thanks, I guess." He picked back up his pencil, continuing to write his story that was unbelievably long. The thought of doing my story was long out of my head, I just wanted to watch Kellin all day.

Okay, that sounded creepy, but you'd understand if you saw him. His lips are so plump and pink and perfectly bow shaped, his skin is like porcelain, his hair is a beautiful charcoal black, his fingers were so long and skinny, and don't even get me started on those eyes.

He was blushing light pink, and his hand was slightly shaking. He was chewing his bottom lip in concentration. I was practically drooling at the sight.

"W-what is it?"

I shook my head, trying to get out of my little Kellin trance. "Sorry, you're just... really pretty."

If he wasn't blushing before, he definitely was now. Which was adorable because his skin was pale, making the blush more visible.

"Why looked so shocked? You're really beautiful," I smile, referring to his shocked expression. "Seems like no one's ever told you that?"

"T-thanks, Vic. And no.... no one has," He whispered, pushing his glasses up. A note being thrown on the table interrupted us.

Kellin glanced at me, before gingerly picking it up ad unfolding it. It was a drawing of Kellin sucking someone's dick, and had the words 'faggot' written in all caps over it. It was just a stick figure with black hair that had Kellin's name pointing to it, but it still made me mad as fuck.

He crumpled it up, throwing it off his desk and putting his head on the table. Everyday people put Kellin through this emotional and physical pain, and distress.

Steve and Max were in front of us, stifling their laughs.

This is why I fucking hate this school, almost everyone was a bitch with no remorse on how they made other people feel. They could probably kill someones cat and not feel an ounce of guilt.

Kellin looked sad now, but kept quiet. "Hey... don't think about it. They don't know what they're talking about," I assured, rubbing his back soothingly. I was trying to control my anger, because honestly, I just wanted to beat the shit out of them.

Kellin looked glum, but gave me a smile any ways. I could tell it was fake. "Don't let it get to you, they're mean to everyone." I gave him the most reassuring look I could muster up.

He nodded his head, beginning to put his stuff into his bag. The bell rang, signalling we could go to lunch. Kellin was about to leave but I grabbed his wrist. He looked down at it, smiling shyly.

I flipped his palm over, writing my number on his hand. "Call me, text me, whatever." I daringly kissed his cheek, before strolling out of the classroom, a smile on my face. After I met with the guys, they pestered me about what happened.

I don't blame them for being so excited. I haven't dated someone since Freshman year. No one here or anywhere interest me. But Kellin, don't even get me started. If you were too search up 'boyfriend material' in the dictionary, it would be a picture of Kellin.

Kellin is like the drumstick of the KFC chicken bucket of humanity. In other words, the best part. I'm just praying he calls or texts me.


Next update. I don't think this is very good and I have no idea where I'm going with this story

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