Chapter Sixteen: Please Tell Me We're Winning

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Of course, as soon as I think we may have a chance it's like all of hell unleashes. If I thought we were outnumbered before that was nothing compared to how many came out of the portal just now.

"Guys," Natasha says to everyone. All of us were back to back with one another. All ready for the battle we were about to endure.

"Call it, Cap," Tony said.

"Alright, listen up," Steve began, "Until we close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash."

"Wanna give me a lift," Clint asks Tony.

"Right. Better clench up Legolas," Tony says as he grabs him and they fly out of the sky.

"You better come back alive," I tell Clint in a brain message.

"Don't worry about me, take care of yourself," he said back.

"Thor, you've gotta try and bottleneck that portal. Slow them down. You've got the lightning. Light the bastards up,"  Steve continued giving directions, " You two and I will stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here."

"And Hulk," Steve turns and looks at him, "Smash."

The Hulk gives him this weird little grin and jumps into the sky. I watch as he runs up and down the buildings. But my focus doesn't stay there long.

"Guys I think we have company," I say to Natasha and Steve as more aliens approach us. We were quickly becoming surrounded. I threw some debris at them with my telekinesis. Steve threw his shield and took out a few more, as Natasha fired her gun at a few. These alien bastards were going down.

"Captain, none of this is going to mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal," Natasha said as she fired at another alien. I teleported behind one and stabbed him in the back.

"She's right you know," I shouted his way, as I pulled my knife back out. Trying to slash through as many as I could. I teleported here and there, taking down as many as I could. 

"One problem though," Steve said, "our biggest guns couldn't touch it."

"Well maybe it's  not about guns," she suggested as she nodded toward a flying chariot. I couldn't help but get a little worried. I knew Natasha could take care of herself, but that doesn't mean something bad can't happen to her.

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride," Steve told her.

"I got a ride. I could use a lift though," she told him, backing up.

"Be safe up there," I told her before she left. I knew it was dangerous, but she could take care of herself. 

"Are you sure about this?" Steve asks her.

"Yeah. It's gonna be fun," she said, I could tell she was even trying to convince herself. 

I watched as she ran at Steve, she leaped off a car and onto his shield. He catapulted her into the air and she grabbed onto one of the flying chariots.

"Just you and me now," I told Steve, with a small grin.

"I like those odds," he bantered back.

We weren't able to stay in the moment long because we both heard Hawkeye through our earpiece.

"Captain, Smith, the bank on 42nd past Madison, they caught  a lot of civilians there."

"I'm on it," we both said at the same time.

We both started running straight over there. I couldn't see it from where I was otherwise I would teleport over there. I could feel my powers draining and I knew it wouldn't be much longer and they would be no use to me. It would take hours for myself to get enough energy to be powered up all the way.

I dodged debris and ran as fast as I could. Steve was way ahead of me. I knew I wouldn't be able to catch up with him and my running slow was wasting precious time. As soon as I saw the building I teleported over there. Steve ran up just a second after.

"What took you so long?" I said with a smirk as he approached the building.

"Hold on," he says as he grabs me by the waist. He jumps us both through the window, using his shield to protect us.

There were two Chitauri  in the way and aimed there weapons at us. I teleported behind one and swept his feet out from under him and teleported  back beside Steve. He then grabs me and dives behind a desk as the one Chitauri fires at us. He kicks the desk and wipes out the one and crushes the second one who was still on the floor. He jumps over the desk as I follow close behind him. I teleport down by the civilians.

"Everyone needs to clear out," I say as I burst the door open with my powers. They all run out into the street and I am almost completely tramples.

"Morgan get out now!" Steve yells.

Before I can move I hear a beeping sound and before I can teleport out The blasts sends me backward into the street.

I landed on something hard and I barely moved my head to the side, only to see more Chitauri around me. I hang my head down in defeat. I tried to teleport out but my powers wouldn't let me. I was to drained.

One moves to kill me and a shield knocks him down. Then the other three follow. Steve comes up beside me and holds my face in his hands.

"Are you going to be okay?" he asks me, there was dirt covering his face, and all I could think was how brave he was. I was ready to give up just then. What kind of hero could I be?

"Yeah, I'll be fine," I say as I grip his arm and try standing up.

He puts his arm around me and supports most of my weight as I try to gain back some strength.

Then before I know there are more aliens, more than I can even count. I push off of Steve and stand on my own.

"I guess it's time to see if all my hand to hand training paid off," I said, trying to be brave. I have faced worse odds than this before. I could do it. 

"What do you mean?" he asks, as he steps in defense mode with his shield.

"My powers, they're not working right now. I don't have enough energy," I simply stated.

I blocked one of the Chitauri as he tried to stab me with one of there weird stick things. I kicked him hard, and was able to get in some good punches. I snatched the stick from him and used it against him.

Before it got to out of hand Thor comes down and wipes out a few.

"Please tell me we're winning," I asked him desperately.

"I wish I could Lady Smith," he said.

So we continued to fight for not only our lives, but all of New York's.

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