Chapter 16 - The Future is Bulletproof

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"You guys will obviously be crashing in here for the night. There's no way you can get back to your base at the moment. Dracs are crawling all around here in this zone especially." Neon Burn ordered Party sternly.

"I've already radioed my team the details. Thanks guys, we'll aim to leave your base tomorrow midday, that way we can avoid anymore run in's with dracs." Party devised a plan of action tomorrow, while I simply lay on my stomach with my eyes shut peacefully.

"We'll leave you to it then." Crash Fire said suggestively, to which Party sent yet another dark glare his way.

The two killjoys left the room, leaving Party and I to ourselves. Party stripped down and switched the lights off then climbed into the bed beside me. I didn't realise how cold I felt until Party's body came so close to mine. He radiated warmth, making me move closer into his side.

Without harming my wound, I inched closer to Party, leaning my head on his chest. He wrapped a protective arm around me, holding me close against him.

"Hi tomato head." I whispered to the killjoy.

"Hiya Sparks." He replied in a whisper, looking down at me contempt, ignoring my annoying nick name I, and many others have given the leader out here in the zones.

"You scared me back then." Party admitted lowly. "I honestly thought you weren't going to make it." He began explaining. I felt somewhat guilty for causing him to think I wouldn't make it. Killjoys never die though, right?

"Sorry." I whispered, looking down into the dark.

"I was so scared you were going to die on me Spark. You know why?" Party paused, looking down into my eyes.

"Cause' you got no idea how I feel about you, sunshine." The words Party spoke made my breathing go uneven. I don't know what it was about this guy- but he had me hooked for some reason. No matter how much we fought, I couldn't deny how he made me feel.

"One shot to the arm wouldn't kill me, Party. I aint' dying anytime soon. Don't you count on it." I spoke louder then before, more determined.

"Glad to hear it." Party replied, leaning down to engulf me in one of his kisses. Usually, it all tasted the same. But boy, was there something different about his mouth.

After a few moments of silence, Party spoke again. "That was Crash Fire and Neon Burn. They're the guys who owe me a favour; they've already fixed your bike and everything. Best mechanics in the zones, they are." Party up talked the guys' base we were currently staying at.

"Why do you owe them a favour Party? You never got around to telling me." I asked curious.

"Crash Fire's younger brother was close to dying, he was ambushed by a hoard of dracs, I was passing by myself at the time and helped the poor kid out. Thrill Kill is his name; he's the one who actually saved you back then. Most of his team specialise in engineering, while he's a gifted medic." Party explained the situation, it all making sense now.

"Their group consists of Crash Fire, Neon Burn, Thrill Kill, and Venom Bite, who you'll no doubt meet tomorrow." Party spoke darkly of the last killjoy. I'm not sure weather it was how drugged I felt at the moment, or the stinging pain in my back, but I ignored his angry tone at the name of the last killjoy.

Party held me close, and I shut my eyes, ready to fall back to sleep, I felt so exhausted despite the fact I had just slept almost the whole day.

"Night Sparks." Party whispered.

"Night sunshine." I mumbled out tiredly. Party Poison fell almost straight to sleep as he closed his eyes, but as he held me close to him in his drowsy state, my mind couldn't help but wander.

I almost died today.

A daunting truth washed over me; when I die no one would remember me. Nothing would differ; everything would simply carry on if I just fell to the floor right now. I didn't want that, I want to somehow change the world. 

A few weeks ago, what would have happened if I died? No one, absoloutely no one would have known I was gone. That thought some what scared me. Sure, living out here in the zones alone had it's perks, but if I died by myself, no legacy would have carried on. Life would go on for everyone else as per normal.

By now Party Poison was in a heavy sleep, his breathing heavy. He looked so handsome, yet so unaware of it. 

Looking up at the man whom I somehow have became attached too, I realised I wanted to make it better for him. Not just him, but for my other three friends hell- for everyone living out here in the zones. The Better Living Industries had managed to brutally fuck up the world we used to live in, but while I lay rapped in Party Poison's arms, my shoulder still in slight agony from today, I realised one thing.

We killjoys CAN turn this all around. Why? Because we're all resilient as fuck.

(A/N: Hellooooo! The picture i've included is what I imagine Crash Fire to look like!)

The Kids From Yesterday (A Party Poison Story)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin