Cough Syrup

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"Dr. Isles, I have the... Why are you crying?"
"She remembers some things! She is starting to remember"
"Susie, today she told me about losing the baby, and my time in jail... she remembers!"
"And why are you crying?"
"I'm so happy"
"The results show that the ex-boyfriend is guilty. The skin matches his DNA"
"But why did he kill her?"
"Revenge. She made him look like fool and then broke up with him"
"It's a motive. Well done Susie"
I get up of my chair and I begin to put everything on their place.
"Where are you going doc?"
"I'm going to the Hospital to talk to my friends, don't worry I will be back late"
"Okay, bye doc"
"Bye Susie, see you later"

After my fall at the lab I decide to go to the cemetery. I know it's almost ten and the cemetery will be a bit of scary but I need to understand some things. I enter and I make myself go to the grave of my best friend. I sit on the floor and my head falls to the grave. Tears start to run from my eyes. Now I understand how sad I am, how sad this is making me.
"I'm so sorry Maura, I really am. I had one thing to do and I didn't do it well and now you are in that place and I'm here asking you to forgive me since the day you died. And I'm sorry. You used to make fun of me, every time. The fact that you couldn't never tell a lie, or that you always dressed like if you were at a fashion show. Gosh you are so damn good for being my friend, for being always here. Gosh I still talk if you are still here. Oh God why did you had to go? Why you? I deserved to go I made bad things, you don't. I miss you my friend, my best friend. I will miss you forever. Please forgive. I now that you don't believe in this stuff but please send me something that makes me see that you are still around. Please Maura. Please forgive me"
My body falls and I stay there. Looking to the grave of my best friend, of Maura.

I leave the ME office. I go to my car and I put my things in the backseat. Then I turn on the car and I begin to drive to the hospital. I decide to stop at a coffee shop and drink something. The street is empty 'cause it is late. Don't panic Maura Dorthea Isles, is just a coffee at the 24 hours coffee. Keep calm.
When I stop the car a man enters on the car.
"Put your hands in the air. This is a robbery"
I put my hands up and I look at his face. Is a young boy, 17 maybe? We can be more old than that.
"What do you want? Money?"
"No, I want the car, and maybe a bit of you, Doctor Isles"
In that moment I try to open the door and just get out of the car. He shoots me in the leg and I lay on the street
"Do you really think that you could just do whatever you want because you are the ME? That you can make people's life bad just to make justice? They killed my brother! Because of you! You sent him to jail."
"Who are you talking about?"
"Remember Peter Jackson? The boy that you accused of killing the girlfriend just because she was rich"
"He killed her! The evidences leave no doubt"
"You liar"
He kicks my face and I feel a lot of pain. A metallic taste in my mouth, well it has to be blood, but from where?
"You accused him because he was a poor guy. He had no defense"
"No, I accused because he was guilty. I'm sorry if he died"
"You lie, you always lie. You lie!"
He takes me by the hair and drags me to an empty street. Then he just beats me. I feel my abdomen hurting so much that I must have an internal bleeding. Damages? A lot. My leg is compromised, I'm sure he hit with the shoot the main artery and that makes me think even more. He kicks my face again and I feel my head against the wall. Oh great, now I have a damage in my skull. I made the accusation in thousands of cases, I never really understood when Jane told me that I was a target to that people, the remain ones. I should have listen to her.
Jane, she doesn't even know who I really am. That is the real and the sad truth.
"You should be scary. You are not even paying attention. But I will make you pay bitch!"
He starts to takes my clothes of and I know what happens new. I saw this a thousand times. All that I already cried this night fall again from my face and I can't avoid what he is doing. He starts to broken my pieces and The Queen of Death is becoming The Queen of the Dead Ones. I'm going to die. I prefer to die, I don't want to remember this.
His eyes, he just wants to hurt me. He makes everything in an animalistic way. He wants to make feel pain.
He stops and looks up. I cry even more, I already feel like I'm dead. He lifts is head and start to run. All I hear is shooting, people falling. I feel better, maybe this is dying.
I look up and I see a familiar face. I try to give him my hand. I only feel blood around me, I must be really bad.
I hear him crying. He takes my hand and he sits on the floor. I can see his face, his beautiful face. I hate to see him crying.
"Frankie, I'm okay" I put my hand in his face. He puts my head really gently in his lap.
"You are going to be okay. HELP ME"
"I'm so tired, can I sleep?" I whisper gently
I try to smile and he smiles me back, he kisse my forehead and he pulls me into a hug.
"Why can't you loose me?"
He hugs me again and I fell safe. He keeps asking for help until a guy calls 911.
"Maura stay with me"
"Don't leave me Frankie, don't let me go"
The sirens, the ambulance. The paramedics. Frankie keeps holding my hand and I feel a bit better. They are trying to save me, they are doing everything.
"Frankie can you stay with me?"
"Always Maura"
They make me enter in the ambulance and Frankie sits right new to me. He keeps holding my hand. He is here and thanks to him, I'm still here.

I pick my phone on the cemetery, I stayed here a lot more time that I thought. I don't want to solve any homicide, I just want to be alone, with my best friend.
"It's Frankie, Janie."
"What happened? Something to Ma?"
"No Janie, is Maura. She was attacked. She's at the hospital."

Hello. I hope you liked, I told you Jane and Maura are just best friends here. And I really love Maura and Frankie. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for the votes. Sorry but I couldn't use a green day song. I will use them on the next chapters.
You are truly amazing guys. Keep reading

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