Wake me up

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"Maura you should leave, this is really unstable and if this falls we both die"
"We need to find Frost, Tommy, and TJ and I can't leave you were alone, you are my best friend"
Jane stopped,she turned the light to Maura's face and she smiled. They have been friends since her first day at BPD and she knows that the ME will always support her. They have lived a lot together, thousands of bad guys, thousands of homicides, a lot of autopsies and here they are.Together they survived. They faced Hoyt, Dennis, Paddy...
"Do you ear that?"
"What Maura?"
"Something is falling, inside the building. But I don't know what"
"What can it be? A rock? A mountain? Your imagination?"
"I don't think so. And my imagination? Really Jane?"
In that moment everything collapsed. Jane protects Maura with her body, protecting the ME from the rocks that were falling from the walls. The tunnel colapsed.

Maura tries to move and check if she is okay, check if Jane is okay. She can't move, something is on top of her. Everything is black around her.
She starts to move, trying to move whatever is on top of her.
"What is this? JANE? JANE? ARE YOU OKAY?"
She screams but no one answers back. She tries to reach her phone, is in her pocket.
"Maybe if a try a little more"
When she feels the phone she decide to turn on the flashlight. Here she is. Jane was the one that protect her once more. She looks really bad, her head is full of blood, her arm is broken and Maura is able to see the bone.
"Jane... oh my god... Jane please talk. Jane?"

20 minutes after
"Dr. Isles are you okay? Detective Rizzoli? Dr. Isles?"
Maura ears Captain Green voice calling her.
"I'm here. We need help. Detective Rizzoli is really bad and she stopped breathing a few seconds ago. I can't move please don't let her die!"
Captain Green walks and in a few seconds he is right new to Maura.
"I'm here to help. I'm going to take you out of here..."
"Please take Detective Rizzoli first. She needs help."
Captain Green holds Jane's body against his shoulder and takes her of the ground.
"Sure you can wait?"
"Take good care of her"
Then they leave. Maura starts to cry. The tears are falling, silent tears. Jane had protect her again, she saved her again.
Captain Green comes again, and helps Maura get up.
"Sure you can walk?"
Maura says yes with her head and she takes a step. Step by step, the queen of the dead is okay, she is alive. Thanks to her best friend who became her human shield.
"Detective Jane was very brave you know? She was an amazing human shield, you don't have any damage, nothing bad. She protected you really hard"
"Yes I know, that's the Jane I know. She always do everything she can to protect who she loves. I hope she survives to this cause I want to thank her for everything."
And the queen of the dead saw the light again but inside of her head everything was still really dark.


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