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"From my rotting body, flowers shall grow and I am in them and that is eternity." - Edvard Munch

Seven Years Before:

All I could see were stars.

Thousands of them, floating in the inky, obsidian sky. I would lie in the grass still wet with dew from the night just passed. I could never move my fingers, or my toes. I could never sit up and stretch. No matter how much I tried to move, it was as if my brain wasn't connected to my body anymore. It was unresponsive and completely and utterly unmoving. So, for ages, all I could ever see was the sky and the shining stars that inhabited it. It felt like years until one time, a single star fell from the sky. It hovered just out of reach, past my feet. I tried to scream in frustration when I couldn't reach it but what could you do when one's mouth won't open? The star that was suspended just out of reach taunted me, it laughed at my incapability to move. It mocked me. 

That made me mad.

With an enormous burst of energy, I launched myself forward and suddenly I could move. My body was small and chubby with small feet and equally small hands. I had a funny looking scar running from my shoulder to my hip. It curled around my hip like a snake. I raised my left hand and wiggled my fingers in front of my face for good measure. I felt my lips curl into a smile and I dragged my short fingers through my hair. A flash of gold whipped around my head and it brushed against my shoulders. Strawberry pink. I laughed and twirled around in happiness. How could I forget I had beautiful, wondrous strawberry pink hair? Turning back to where I had been, the grass was still flattened. How long had I been lying there? An hour? A month? A year? The thought consumed my mind until a splitting headache started pounding in my head. It was like a marching band and wouldn't stop and-

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I peeled my eyes open, all that I could see for miles were stars. Millions, and millions of stars. I tilted my head forward to see one, floating an inch above the grass that I lay on. I cupped my hands and delicately picked up the star. It memorised me. It was so beautiful. Suddenly, one by one, stars started falling from the heavens. I giggled in delight, the wondrous, childish sound echoed in my ears like christmas bells. Suddenly, my small, desolate world didn't seem 

as lonely anymore. 

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