Chapter Nine

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I was sitting in my room listening to music when my phone buzzed with an Instagram notification. @meekmill liked your picture. I ignored it and continued jamming to my music. I had planned staying in my house all day because Meek and the chasers were hitting LA today. I didn't want to chance running into them. I put my focus on other things! I had been putting a lot of thought into my album... I had played with the concept of singing on my album as well.... I just didn't know how it would sit with the record execs. Caught up in my thoughts I never even noticed Rika come in my room... "Let's do something fun today cookie!" She said. "Fun like what babe?" I questioned raising my eyebrows. Rika's idea of fun was always something crazy. "I don't know Tak mentioned..." She started but I didn't let her finish. "No! I'm not going!"-- "Really, Onika?!" She said sternly. "You know I don't want to see Meek!" I told her crossing my arms. "He won't even be there." She told me as my expression changed and I tried not to sound bothered. "Well okay, I'll go." I said as I turned to head toward my shower. "Bring your swimsuit!" She called after me.

I grabbed my phone dock and carried it into the bathroom. I ran my water until it was nice and steamy! Turned my phone on and quickly undressed. I washed up about a good five times.... All of a sudden my song came on... You used to love me- Faith Evans. I don't know what came over me but I just start singing my heart out.... "Went through all the hurt and pain, then you turned and walked awayyyyy... I remember the way you used to love me, babyyyy" I sang out. I stepped out the shower continuing to sing and walked out the bathroom to be met face to face with none other than Meek.

I was sitting on Nicki's bed waiting for her to come out the bathroom. When I hear her killing it to Faith. I didn't know Nic could sing too! This girl is amazing! Suddenly, the door knob jiggles and out walks a naked Nic! I was mesmerized at the sight of her body.

What the fuck meek?! What are you doing here?
But he didn't answer he just stared at me. "Can you at least hand me a towel?"-- " a what?" I asked her. "A towel Meek!" She said again. I walked to the stand handed her a towel, which she quickly wrapped around her... She again started to speak... "I didn't want to see you! You shouldn't have come!" She told me and tried to walk past me, but I caught her arm. "You're running Nic! Why you always doing that?! I'm a man now! And I can be the man YOU need, if you let me! Just let me explain baby that's all I'm asking you to do... Can I explain Nic?" I asked her. She nodded. I took her hand led her to the bed and sat down. She stood clad in her towel in between my legs as i patted my lap. She stood still. So I stood up and lifted her by the waist. She instinctively wrapped her legs around my waist and sat down on her bed.  Nicki looked up and be and started to speak.

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