"YES, I DID." I said hoping to make him feel like shit so he could understand how I felt. How it felt to sit there and listen to someone continue to pick at things, all the things you do. To try and upset you and make you feel like crap, because that's how I felt this morning in class. He made me feel like even if I breathed he would be on my ass about it.

"Diem I'm sorry I didn't know--"

"I don't care! I don't care what you have to say! You always do this! You always turn into this jerk when something doesn't go your way and I'm sick of it, I'm sick of all of this." I told him finally letting out what I've been holding in for a while. The way Caden acted sometimes always continued to eat at my insides. Sure he had his moments where anyone would be lucky to be with him but it wasn't always such a fairytale.

"Diem!" He groaned in frustration probably from me not allowing him to explain himself. What is there to explain really? Everything was pretty much laid out in the open and there was no need for explaining.

"No Caden, this has been bothering me for a long time. You don't realize that the way you act sometimes really hurts me. Sure it's not physical pain but it sure does mess with my mind." I told him and I saw a flash of guilt I suppose, in his eyes. He opened his mouth to say something but nothing came out which was pretty shocking. For once Caden was actually speechless and I didn't know if I was happy or upset at the thought. Maybe a little bit of both.

I forgot about the girl that was still here and I could tell she felt out of place because of the look on her face. I don't blame her though, I'd probably have the same face on after witnessing all of this. She was just probably expecting a night of fun with Caden and instead she sit and watch all of this unfold. "I'll just be leaving." She said taking her jacket off of the hook.

"I'm with you on that." I said grabbing my jacket and she opened the door. Just as I was about to leave, I felt Caden's warm hand wrap around my arm gently, barely even there but I still acknowledged him.

"Diem please can we talk about all of this, I'm sorry I don't know what's wrong with me. I feel like shit and I just want to talk it out please." He said and it probably took everything in me to not just give into him. Instead I shook my head and knew that I wasn't going to give in. If I just let this go so easily what good will that do? Sure it was stop all of this drama between the two of us but it won't really resolve anything. I'll still be thinking about the way Caden ends up being a jerk sometimes while he'll continue doing it whether he wants to or not.

"I really just don't want to right now Caden. I have a headache and I'm tired." I told him.

"Im suppose to watch over you Diem, I can't just let you leave without knowing where you're going to." He told me and I sighed. Yeah he was doing such a great job of watching over me right now. I put my jacket on and held the door handle.

"I'm staying at Braxton's for the night."

"Diem I think you should--"

 "I'll see you in class tomorrow Mr. Livingston." I said coldly and he flinched at the name I used for him and probably the emotionless tone of my voice. I haven't called him by his professional name outside of school in so long that it even felt weird when it rolled off of my tongue, but at this moment, I knew I shouldn't call him Caden, because the old relationship we had been building up was falling apart.

I Won't Give Up (Teacher/Student)Where stories live. Discover now