You've Been Warned

Start from the beginning

I looked down, "we ... Were. Uhh - ummm playing strip poker" I finished lamely.

He growled at me, like a dog.

"Kat you know that it isn't going to work between you and him! Why set yourself up for that?! You need someone who's good, who will care and take care of you. Messing with the villain of the century will only fuck with your mind" he said walking closer to me.

I slouched, "yeah- it just kinda-"

He pushed the hair from my face and looked me deep in the eye like he wanted me to understand something. Something important. Something monumental.

Something that went right over my head.

What the hell was he doing?

"You need someone who will always be there for you. Okay?" He whispered.

My eyes narrowed, he was in my personal space, touching me, looking deeply in my eyes.

Something fishy is going on.

"KATRINA!" Blake's obnoxious voice boomed causing me to jump and Corey to step back ruining whatever he was about to tell me.

He gave me a tight smile before turning and heading upstairs, with me close behind.

That was weird.

When we finally make it up Blake is giving me death eyes and glaring at Corey.

I've missed a step. What the hell is going on?

I take a seat on the couch away from everyone and next to PonyBoy who leans against me.


Blake glares at him and I flip him off. Bitch.

Ana steps up next to Blake and places a hand on his shoulder making him immediately relax. My turn to glare, he is something else, have his tongue down my neck and his body between my legs five second ago and then has his wife touch him in front of me.

I pushed back the tears that threatened to spill over, Corey was right I am an idiot.

I look over at Corey and he is already staring me down, yea he knew I was an idiot as well. He gave me that look, like he felt bad for me. He came over and sat down on my other side.

"Let's just not ... okay?" I asked with a sigh.

He gave me a tight smile, and just rested his hand on my upper thigh.

My eyes narrowed down at his hand then to his face that was giving me a weird look, then back again ... Ten times.

I look up to see the gates of hell burning in Blake's eyes as he glares at Corey and I.

Well then.

Ana obviously feeling the tension steps forward, "I've got intel about the serum you created and who has it" she finishes.

She pulls a remote out of no where and clicks a button making the TV click on a show a picture of " Francisco Dice?" I asked confused.

Everyone's head snapped to me.

I cringed back, "how do you know him?" Blake asked.

"Umm ... Well- he stalked me for a few weeks ... After I hit him with my car" I swallowed, "no big deal" I coughed out.

Corey's eyes lit up with recognition, "is he the guy who you hit and then went on a date with so he wouldn't she you?" He asked.

"I went out on a date with him because he was cute .. And nice" they all stared at me, "OKAY! So my insurance was going to drop me if I hit another person and my parents would have killed me if I got sued ... Again! I couldn't afford another case, and he hit on me first! I just saw an opening! Little did I know he was stalker, and followed me places and left things in my apartment! Honestly his little memory loss accident was a blessing in disguise" I blurted out.

"Memory loss?" Blue asked.

I sighed, "I hit him again with my car ... Pure self defense, and slight anger" I muttered.

"Anyway" Ana ground out rolling her eyes at me, "he is the middle man for this whole operation who ever wants the serum doesn't want to be known so they are using Francisco as a carrier to bring it to them. He has the serum right now and will for the next 24 hours" she finished.

"How do you know all this?" I asked suspiciously.

"When I was in Rome I stumbled upon his guy who worked for someone called the Shadow, got him drunk and he started spilling secrets. The serum isn't just capable of making a super, it's also the antidote for one. With the serum it can take away the powers of every super in the world" she finished.

My eyes immediately darted to Blue and his locked with mine, and they were among one thing painfully clear.

Don't say a thing.

That's why he wanted the serum to bad I want to destroy all supers.

This is his way, he'd be able to get rid of all of them except himself. I was wrong he was the villain, there were just two of them in the story.

Worst part ... I still wanted to peel every piece of clothing of his body.

He smirked.

And he knew it to.

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