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Avery's POV

"Get up!" I woke up to Jade jumping up and down on my bed. It was Saturday morning and we had work.

"Jesus! I'm up!" I said, sitting up and rubbing the sleepiness out of my eyes.

"You used Jesus' name in vein." She said.

"No, I summoned him. There's a difference." I said, laughing.

"What do you want for breakfast? I can cook or there's left over Chinese food in the fridge." She suggested. We both looked at each other.

"Chinese food." We both said. I rolled off the bed and sat on the edge. I looked over at my night stand. There sat a picture of me, jade, kian, and jc from elementary school." I kissed my hand and placed it on the picture. So many good memories..

"Avery come on." Jade leaned against the door frame.

"I'm coming." I said. We walked downstairs and to the kitchen. I opened the fridge and grabbed the containers of food. I walked into the living room and sat at in the floor.

"Jade, bring me a tea! I need something tonwash this bourbon chicken down with!" I shouted.

"You have legs! Get it yourself!" She yelled back at me.

"But you're already up! Please." I asked. She poked her head put from the doorway and I pouted my lip.

"Fine." She said, sighing.

"Thank you!" I said. She can back with 2 teas and her plate of Chinese food. She sat down next to me in the floor and I turned on Netflix.

"American Horror Story or Orange is the New Black?" I asked. We looked at each other.

"American Horror Story." We both said simultaneously. I flipped through and found it.

"Have you watched Kian and Jc's new video?" She asked, inhaling a piece of orange chicken.

"1 day to go! 1 day until their channel launches." I said, super-excited and proud of them. They've come so far.

"Remember in 2 days to go, Mark ran through the video butterball butt naked?" She asked, putting her hand over her mouth preventing food from falling out.

"We're at peace with mother nature dude." She said.

"Remember in 7 days to go, they were dressed up as nerds?" I asked.

"Snee!" I said.

"Kian picks up the sex book. 'I'm gonna need this for later.' She said, me laughing my butt off.

"In 5 days to go, 'Rebecca, you have a fat ass how could be not check you out?' I said.

"In 6 days to go, Captain! Captain Crunch!" She said.

"I love Captain Crunch, especially when Kian is Captain Crunch." Jade said, smirking at me.

"Oh my gosh, okay." I said, laughing again.

"I wonder what tomorrows video will be about." She wondered, I did too.

"Probably something that involves hurting themselves." I said.

"That's what their best at." She said, laughing.

"Yeah, and making people laugh and smile." I stopped laughing and put my head down.

"What's wrong?" Jade asked me.

"I miss them." I said.

"I miss them coming over and making videos. Being loud playing twister, getting into fights and always hurting themselves. I miss telling them my deepest secrets and them being there to comfort us. Always being a shoulder to cry on, whether we got bullied at school or of we just didn't feel the best. Most of all, I just miss them being here." I finished, a couple tears slipping out and rolling down my cheeks.

"I'm in love with someone who lives halfway across the country. I wish I would've told him straight up everything I felt about him before he left. Now he's gone and I'll probably never see him again. I don't think I could ever love anyone else the way I love him." She said, tears streaming down her cheeks. I stopped them with my thumbs, wiping them away.

"I feel the same way about Jc. I know how it feels to have a huge piece of your heart missing. How holding in your feelings can cause so much damage." I said.

"Don't worry babe. We'll see them again, someday. Remember what they said? We'll always be best friends no matter what." I said, she smiled.

"We should tweet them." She said.

"Why? They'll never see it." I said.

"It's worth a shot." She said. She shrugged her shoulders and picked up her phone. I pulled mine out of my pocket.
"Alright, mine have been sent." She said. I looked at what was sent.

//JadeElizabeth// kianlawley I miss you best friend :)

//JadeElizabeth// averylynn And I love you guys kianlawley & jccaylen I hope we can catch up sometime. We miss you guys like crazy.

I looked at the tweet and smiled.

//AveryLynn// I especially miss jccaylen ;)

"Ooo, get it Avery." Jade said, rolling on the floor laughing.

"Shut up babe!" I said.

"We need to get ready for work." I said.

"Eww. I don't wanna go." She said.

"We have to. Need to make dat bank doe." I said trying to sound cool. She just died with laughter.

"Never again Avery." She said, walking past me up to our room. I followed.


Authors Note

The picture up top is what we wear to work.

~Vanna x.X

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