Gryffindor Tower

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Nico and Will walked up to the fifth year dorm. There was only one bed for them, the staff having been informed of Nico's weird sleep ritual.
Will smiled as he pulled the curtains shut. Nico inscribed a Pluto-marking on the Western bed post and kissed Will.

*Smut-Smut-Smut- ahead. Do for the gays, do for the straights, do for the people to say hay hay*

Will moaned and leaned back. At a snap from Nico, their clothes disappeared and appeared on the floor. Will smiled and let Nico nip his neck and he fingered Will's entrance.
Will raised his legs to wrap around Nico's waist. Nico kissed Will and Will allowed Nico to dominate him. The feeling off Nico's hardened cock inside him made him moan. Nico grinned and started to move.
"Mmm, Harder! Nico, oh gods, fuck me harder." Will panted.
Nico purred, "My pleasure."
Will moaned and dug his nails into Nico's back. Nico grinned and thrusted deeper into Will's pliant body. Will arched and gasped as Nico hit his sweet spot.
"There, right there, Nico." Will murmered heatedly.
Nico grinned as bit into Will's shoulder marking Will as his.


Ron, Hermione and I were sitting in the common room. The exchange students had gone to bed. Hermione was flickering though books on wizarding families in a Italy.
Ron groaned, "I am telling you, 'Mione, they are Death eaters! I saw the marks on the older two."
Hermione gasped and leaned forward, "Listen to this. The Di Angelo family is one of the few seemingly extinct families of Northern Italy. The last known survivors as Maria, and her two children Nicola and Bianca. The Di Angelo family is well known for their use of shadow-magic and necromancy."
Ron looked triumphant, "See Death Eaters."
Hermione sighed and said, "There is more. This wizardy family is the only pure-blood family that should they have survived would have overpowered Voldemort."
Harry leaned forward, "So what we have an overpowered wizard in our dorm?"
Hermione nodded, "If he is telling the truth about his name being Nicola di Angelo."

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