Brick by boring brick

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"Well you built up a world of magic
Because your real life is tragic
Yeah you built up a world of magic

If it's not real
You can't hold it in your hand
You can't feel it with your heart
And I won't believe it
But if it's true
You can see it with your eyes
Oh, even in the dark
And that's where I want to be, yeah"

Emily's pov

After a hour Paige got up to use the bathroom and I used this as a chance to escape. I wanted Ali more then anything in the world I couldn't believe I was confused. I felt so dirty and worthless.

Ali's pov

When the door slammed I instantly looked out the window it was my dad. I peeked out my door and noticed a broken plate waiting at the end of the hallway. I walked towards it and started picking it up, I threw the pieces of glass away and walked down stairs. I still couldn't find my dad when I was about to go upstairs my dad appeared in the stairway.

"We never finished what we started" his eyes were dark and mean and he was holding something behind his back

I tried to walk away but he grabbed my arm with his free hand. I tried to yank it away but with his other hand he sliced me with the glass he had

"I hate you" I screamed in tears

"What did you say" he pulled me closer

"I fucking hate you" I tried to pull my arm away again but he pushed me to the ground

He kicked me in the stomach a couple of times then in the face. "Want to say it again"

He walked out of the backdoor and left I couldn't decide what hurts the most I curled up in a ball holding my stomach in pain

Emily's pov

I was running to Ali's I wanted to explain everything to her, why I was confused, that it had nothing to do with her. But when I got to her house I saw her dads car. I panicked and ran in the house I looked around and saw Ali curled up in a ball

"Ali" I ran and sat besides her, her arm was bleeding, her left eye was swollen red and she was holding her stomach

She looked at me "is he gone?"

I nodded I didn't know where he was but I was just glad if wasn't in here.

"Can I help you ?" She nodded and I picked her up and brought her to her bathroom

She stood up and pulled off her shirt she had a big bruise on her stomach.

"You're staying with me" I said and hugged her she nodded and cried into my chest.

I wanted to break down and cry to, I wanted to be held but I need to be strong for her. I kissed the top of her head, and cleaned her up, she changed into her pajamas and we went to my house. When we got there Paige was waiting on the steps

"What do you want Paige" she stood up and laughed

"You left me again for hobo girl" Ali was wearing a tank top and Paige saw her arms and laughed "I see"

"Paige leave" I grabbed Ali's hand

"Does she know what happened tonight" she stepped closer to us

"Leave" Ali hid behind me

"Alison Emily gave herself to me before you" paige pushed us out of her way and left

"Ali I-" she put her finger on my lips

"Em it's okay I'll love you no matter what, am I upset Paige got you first yes, am I mad no" she hugged me

"Ali Paige forced me" she looked up at me

"Why didn't you tell me?" I sighed

"You were in such a fragile state" she kissed me

"I understand" then we walked in

Ali kept rubbing her wrist I wish she didn't take what other said to heart I sat next to her and wrapped my arms around her but she kept rubbing them, I grabbed her hands

"Stop" she put her hands to the side and snuggled into my side

"What's going to happen with us" she said in a low whisper

"What do you mean?"

"Are you going to go back to school? you have a lot of classes with Paige, am I going to go back home" I knew Ali worried a lot

"You're not going to go home and I'm avoiding Paige"

The doorbell went off and I answered it

It was a cop "are you Pam felids daughter?"

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