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Miss April P. O. V October 17th 2016 7:36A.M.

" Happy Birthday, Ms. April " London says through the phone.
" Baby, you couldn't call and tell me that when the sun came up? " I ask and chuckle. She laughs.
" Buuuttttt, Ms. April, the sun is uppppp " She whines. I yawn and shake my head. " Uh uh. Somebody's bored. " I say and smile. " And lonely might i add. " She says. " You won't be for long " I assure her. She sighs. " Who cares. As long as I feel that I made the right decision for me, my child and my unborn, I can be lonely forever. It's all for us. "She says. I smile. " Now that's a devoted mother. I love to hear it! "I say. She laughs. " You know i always thought to myself that you were better for my son than that Kaay. "I tell her. She laughs. " So ,you heard huh ? "She asks. I raise my eyebrow. " Heard? Chile, I knew! " I inform her. " Ms. April, you knew and didn't say anything to me about it? " She asks. " Honey, i am 50 years old today. You hear me? 50! I can't go around calling out what I see in everybody's relationship. " " Everybody's? Ms. April, this is me! Not everybody. If you knew something, why didn't you say something mama? You knew! "She says. I fold my lips together. " Ms. April, I didn't mean that. But, you know how I get when someone knows something and it's super obvious to the outsiders and nobody says anything to me. "She says. I sigh. " I know child. You still feel betrayed that your mom knew about what your dad was doing to you and she never said anything. I understand. I'm sorry. "I apologize to her. " No Ms. April, I'm sorry. Forgive me. Have a great birthday. "She says and hangs up. I shake my head and sit on the side of the bed. Well, the sun is up! I gather my undergarments and go to take a shower and do my daily routine in the bathroom. What? A ol' lady can't be fresh?

I finish up in the bathroom and lotion up and put on some deodorant, then I put on my long, silver maxi dress. I slip on my silver Michael Kors flip flops and look in the mirror. I put on my Mac concealer. Then, my foundation. After that, i put on my false eyelashes. Nothing too long and batty, though. I finish my look off by adding some eyeliner, eyeshadow, some mascara to blend the eyelashes and some red Mac matte lipstick. I snatch off my bonnet and place my medium sized box braids into a tight bun. I grab my silver wallet off my dresser, along with my keys and my phone and walk to the kitchen. Since everything just happened with the split between Tay and Kaay and the love fest between Beaast and Kaay, I still stay with Kaay and Beaast. I guess you can say the boy lives here. Tay been staying at the same hotel as London. He offered to get me a room, but hotels just don't feel like home to me. But, all that's about to change. I'm going house shopping for me, Tay and London.
" Hello? "I answer my iPhone as I'm walking to my car. "Ma! Happy Birthday baby girl. "Tay says. I smile and crank up the car. "Why thank you son! I ain't been called baby girl in a long time and it damn sure does feel good. "I confess and pull off. I can only imagine his screwed up face on the other end of the phone. " Whatever mama "He says and then I hear shuffling in the background. " Happy Birthday, glam ma "Journey cheers. I laugh. " J bbaabbbyyyy! Thank you sweet love bug. "I say. She laughs whole heartily on the other end. Oh, how I miss my grandbaby. " Welcome glammie. "She says. I smile and pull up to IHOP. " Hello? "Tay says. " Wassup, boy "I ask. He chuckles. " Mama you wwwiiiillldddd "He exclaims. I laugh. " I know, lil niggaa. "I say and laugh. " Yeah. All dat. Where you at? "He asks me. " Why? "I ask with attitude. " Cause ma ! "He says. " IHOP, damn! " I say. " We on the way. "He says and hangs up. I roll my eyes and wait for them to get here. I guess today would be a good day to tell him that they're staying with me.

London P. O. V October 17th 2016 9:03A.M.

I can't believe I just spazzed on Ms. April like that. I never wanted to say that to her. She's really the only person that really gives a fat rats ass about me and my baby. Well, Tay kinda does too. I mean, I honestly appreciate them both. Someone knocks on my hotel door. I peep out the peep hole. It's Tay, King, and Journey. I step back and unlock the door.
"Hey guys!" I say and smile at them. "Wassup" Tay smiles at me. I grab King out of his arms and take him to my bed. I lay him down and blow raspberries on his belly and kiss on his double chin. He smiles and I laugh.
"He just love for people to blow on that fat ass stomach of his." Tay says. I chuckle. "Paris loved it too when she was his age." I say and stare at him. I'm suddenly glad to be starting over in a few months. "Where is my lil diva?" Tay asks, referring to Paris. The toilet flushes and she runs out here. "Here!" She screams. "Paris, baby did you sanitize your hands?" I ask her. She immediately nods her head. "Mhm." I say and side eye her. She sweetly smiles and crawls on the bed to give King a kiss. "Hey Journey, girl" I say and laugh. She laughs. "Hey Auntie." She says and waves. "How ya been?" I ask. She nervously looks at her dad. "Go on and tell her. They not friends no more." He says. I raise my eyebrow. "Tell me what?" I ask and rub my belly. Tay picks King up and they sit on the other bed. "Mama Kaay wasn't being too nice to me and I never did anything to her!" Journey mumbles and looks at the ground. "She what?" I yell and look at Tay. He nods his head for confirmation. "That witch" I say and shake my head. I kiss Paris on her forehead and roll my eyes. I get up and walk around while rubbing my belly to calm me down. "I can't believe this." I say and shake my head. That witch most definitely gonna get what's coming to her. Karma don't miss out on nobody.

Beaast P. O. V October 17th 2016 11:17A.M.

I'm just now waking up. I get up out the bed and rub my face. I slept on the couch last night. At this point, I don't know what to do! I wanna leave Kaay. I already told her I was done. But, if I don't have her, who do I have? London is gone and she took my daughter with her. Tay is gone. I'll have nobody if I dip out on Kaay. Then she'll have nobody. I can't do her like that. I know how that feels. Right now we have each other. I get up off the couch and go into Kaay's room. I gather some stuff to take a shower with and wash my face and brush my teeth with.

I'm in the kitchen now toasting some waffles. Kaay gets up and slams her bedroom door. "Bitch" I mumble. Someone is obviously on their period. I take the waffles out the toaster and place them on a paper plate. I grab the butter out the refrigerator and a butter knife out the dish drain. I spread the butter all over the 4 waffles. Then, I lick the remaining butter off the butter knife and toss it in the sink. I walk over to the pantry and grab the buttermilk syrup. I drown my waffles in syrup. I grab the container of orange juice and go sit on the couch. I turn on Netflix and watch "Poetic Justice"

Kaay P. O. V October 17th 2016 11:30A.M.

I'm pacing all around my bathroom right now. I'm so fucking nervous. I never meant for the affair to go this far and get this outta hand. Lord knows I didn't. I guess now I'm paying the price for it. I guess karma really don't miss nobody. I rub my face. I walk out the bathroom and into my room. I stare in the mirror at myself. Why didn't I see this coming? I suddenly hear beeps. I shudder and start walking to the bathroom. I stare at it. I pick the test up. Well, it's official. I'm pregnant. I pick up the second test and it reads positive also. I lean over face first in the toilet. I dump everything I've ever ate in the toilet. I stand up and gargle. I take the two tests and stare at them again. I bring out of the bathroom and into my bedroom. I place them on my vanity. I turn to the side and stare at my stomach. How could I not see this coming. I pick the two tests up and unlock my bedroom door. I walk up front and throw the two tests at Beaast's head.
"Oh yeah, I'm pregnant bitch" I say to him.


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