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Beaast P.O.V
October 17th 2016

I stare at my lap at these two positive pregnancy tests Kaay just threw at me. Shocked ain't even much the word for how I'm feeling. I finish eating my waffles and lean up to place my plate on the coffee table. I wipe my mouth and lean back on the sofa.
"So you ain't gon say nothing?" Kaay asks. I sit up and look at her. "Girl, who you done stole these tests from?" I ask her in all seriousness. "Cause I know good and damn well these ain't yours. What? You stole these from London a while back? Huh? When yall was cool or whatever like that?" I ask. She looks down. "Hell no. I wouldn't dare steal no nasty ass pregnancy tests from that bitch. Although, that does sound like something she'll do, you know. Saving pregnancy tests, I mean." She says. I take a deep breath. "Girl, now ain't the time." I say and shake my head. "Now ain't the time for what mothafucka? Now ain't the time for me to tell you I'm pregnant? Now ain't the time for me to bag on your ex wife?" She asks with sass. "You damn right" I say and nod my head. "Oh, but it was always the right time for you to go eat my coochie? Oh, but it was always the right time for you to fuck me raw? Oh, but if was always the right time for you to sneak back and forth to my apartment in the middle of the night and early morning? Fucking me and my best fucking friend! Fucking dickhead, asshole. It was always the right time for that shit, right? You know what? I cannot believe myself. Damn, I'm round here thinking I got the better hand. Thinking I'm the baddest bitch walking. And in all reality, I'm playing my own damn self! I'm boo-boo the muthafuckin fool! I had shit made for me! I had shit going right. I shoulda just let London have yo coochie eating ass! That's all you was good for, really. And the couple of times you actually fucked me! That was good too. So, thank ya." She goes off. I burst out laughing. "Bye Felicia. Bitch, please. Outta all the times we done fucked, who was always the first one to cum? Huh? Who was the first one to tapout? Who was the first one to complain they was tired and they back had done gave out? Alright. Bitch please. Think before you speak, hoe." I say and turn up the T.V. volume. "Outta all that I said, the only thing you caught was the sex part, huh? See, I knew I fucked up with you." She continues. "Bitch, fuck you. Go make me a sammich or sum. Suck some dick for a outfit. Clap ya ovaries together or sum. Bitch, entertain me! Make yourself useful. Not, useless like ya doing." I say. "I'll clap mine together if you clap yours together, first. You pussy bitch." She says and throws a pillow at my foot. "Boooooooo! Terrible aim. Try again." I yell. "Go to hell." She says with her head down. "Fuck you" I say. "Fuck me? Fuck you!" She yells and walks to her room and slams her door.
London P.O.V
October 17th 2016

"Paris, baby eat your pears." "No!" She says and shakes her head. "Why not? What did pears ever do to you?" I ask and laugh. "Nasty." She says, shaking her head and sticking her tongue out. "So, is your name nasty?" I ask. "No. Pretty!" She says and smiles. "Well, mommy got your name from the word pears. " Noooo!" She says, disagreeing. I laugh and nod my head. "Yes I did! Yes I did" I say. She looks at me, shocked and starts harshly chewing on her chopped pears. We're in the food court of the mall. I came here to just get out of the hotel.  Tay, journey & king left us to go join Ms. April at IHOP. "What do you want mommy to buy you today, love?" I ask her. She puts on this silly looking thinking face. I smile. Talk about my pride and joy. "Bands. Hater blockers. Boot. Eat. Milk. Funny." She means, bracelets, sunglasses, boots, food, drink and movies or games. "But, babe you already have eat and milk" I say to convince her. She's convinced every liquid is milk. Crazy, yeah I know. "Oh yeah." She says and bites into her Chic Fil A chicken nugget. I laugh. "When you're done, we'll go get all those things. So, cross them off your wish list." I say and she starts to clap.
She shortly finishes and we head to Children's place to buy her some bracelets, sunglasses and cute little house boots. She picks out some pink and gold ones bracelets. She tries on some black, baby, Rayban looking sunglasses. "Yeeeaaahhh" She says, checking herself out in the mirror. I nod my head. We walk over to the shoe section and she grabs the first pair of pink and silver boots. I check to make sure they are her size. I pay and we exit. "Look mama" She says and points to the bracelets. "Flashy" I say and smile. We enter F.Y.E . She runs straight down a aisle. I slowly trail behind her. She runs up to me with a little mermaid soundtrack. "Look! Mommy! Look!" She shouts. "I see. I see" I assure her. "You ready for checkout?" I ask. She grabs my finger and nods her head. We go get in line and wait our turn. I eventually pay and leave.
I strap Paris in her car seat and go to buckle myself in. I start my car and leave. Come to think of it, I didn't eat nor get myself anything. Wow, the perks of being a mother.
We get about 15 minutes up the street. I pull into Subway's parking lot. "Come on, Pay." I call out to her. I wait for a response, or to hear shuffling. I hear nothing. I frantically turn around. My child is officially knocked out! I smile and snap a picture. Guess I'll order something at the hotel.

Tay P.O.V
October 17th 2016

"Wassup birthday lady?" I greet my mom at the table. I kiss her on the cheek and sit the 3 bags down on the table. "Hey son" She says. "Glammie!" Journey calls out to her. They hug each other. I grab King's hand and wave at my mom for him. She smiles and lightly chuckles. Journey sits inside the booth on my mom's side. I place King's baby car seat sideways, in the booth with me. "What you getting today, birthday chick?" I ask. "Probably the monster burger. Birthday chick hungry." She says. "What about you, J baby? What you getting to eat?" I ask Journey. "Strawberry pancakes, duhhh" She says with her hand up. "Sorry! I just thought maybe you'd switch up. Don't be boring like ya glamma, here." I say. She laughs. "Boy, hush." My mom says. The waitress comes and takes our drink orders.
"So, what's the special occasion?" I ask my mom. "Special occasion? Nigga, it's my birthday! How much more special you want it to get?" My mom goes off! "No no no, ma. Not like that. But, you know good and very damn well you would've never let me and my babies join you at no restaurant. So, wassup? What's the occasion?" I ask again. She laughs. "Oh, let's wait until the food comes." She says. I raise my eyebrow and nod my  head. The waitress comes back and hands out the drinks. We order the food. She walks to the kitchen. I stare at my mom. She smiles and looks all around. "Okay. I'll wait." I say and nod.
The waitress comes back with our food. King immediately smells the aroma and wakes up, crying. I hand him his bottle and he becomes quiet. I smile and kiss my forehead.
"So, the food is here. What's the special announcement?" I ask, impatiently. "Boy." My mama says. "You pregnant?" I ask with my eyebrow raised. "Not after I had you, genius." She says with a twisted mouth. "Well, out with it." I prompt her. "Okay. Okay. Boy, damn." She says and drinks some of her sweet tea. "So, I'm uncomfortable with where you, London and my grandbabies are currently living." She starts. I nod my  head, signaling for her to continue. "So, I found all of us a house." She says. I choke on my piece of burger. "All of us? All of who?" I ask her, utterly confused. "All of us. Me, you, Journey, King, Paris, London and whatever that is in her belly." She says. I stare at her, blankly. "Where's the house, mama?" I ask, uninterested. "Daytona, Beach Florida" She answers. "Ma! You expect me to just up and leave to move in with you with two kids? And London, she's pregnant! With a child" I explain. "Well, yall got until the 1st of November 2016 to pack it on up and move it out." She says, excited. "London will hate this" I tell her. "Boy hush. You don't know what that gal want." She says, getting up. "Aye, where you going?" I ask. "To London's room to tell her the news. Take care of that bill for the birthday chick, will ya?" She asks. I get up to hand her the birthday bags. "Oh, you finna go drop the bomb on London?" I ask. "Thanks son" She says, kissing my cheek. I nod and walk away.

Ms. April P.O.V
October 17th 2016

"Who is it?" London yells, on the other side of the door. "Girl, open up this door. It's ya mama!" I yell. She opens the door and laughs. I smile. "Hey mama" She says and hugs me.
"Happy birthday, again." She says, and sits on one of the hotel beds. "What time did she K.O.?" I ask, referring to Paris. "Uhm. I'm not sure. But, it definitely before we got to Subway." She says, biting into a Jimmy John's sandwich. "Yall went to Subway and you came out with a Jimmy John's sandwich, girl?" I ask. She look down and laughs. "No ma'am. I ordered this from here when I realized Princess Pay was sleeping." She  explains. "Oh, okay. Make a old lady understand." I say. She laughs. "You look the least bit of old today, lady." She says and raises a eyebrow. "I try. I try." I admit. We laugh. "So, down to business, I have an opportunity to present to you." I say. She puts down her sandwich. "Yes?" She asks. "How would you like to live with me?" I ask, eyeing her. "Uh" She says. "You, Paris and whatever you got baking in that little personal oven of yours. Your hot pocket." I say and she chuckles. "I wouldn't want to impose." She says. "Chile, if Tay ain't imposing, neither are you." I assure her. "Wait, what?" She asks, sipping on whatever is in that cup. "Yep. You heard me. Tay coming too. Yall got until the 1st of November to be up and out of here." I say. "Wow." She says. I get up and walk to the door. "Wow." I repeat. "Lock the door!" I yell and go to my car.
I really hope they both say yes. It's a 6 bedroom house! Very rare.

Save to your reading/library lists.

Uhm, I didn't proof read. Sooo, enjoy!

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