He's in the delivery room with you

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You felt another contraction coming and you wince in pain. "Come on love, you could do this."  Harry kissed for forehead.  "Okay Mrs. Styles you have to start pushing." Your doctor said. You were panicking but Harry on the other hand was so excited to finally meet his baby girl. "Okay, PUSH!" You push with all your might. "Push" You push again and than a couple more times than you hear a baby's cries. Harry kissed you and all the pain was gone when you see your daughter, she was beautiful. "What's her name?" the nurse asked. "Darcy, Darcy Anna Styles." Harry said.


"I CANT BELIEVE THEY ARE GOING TO BE HERE!" Louis shouted. "Are we at the hospital yet?" You said with sweat running down your forehead. "Wait, Now we're here come on babe." He ran out of the car and help you out. "FUCK!" You screamed a contraction just pass and you tried to go in the hospital but with you pregnant with twins aint going to happen. You rush in or at least tried too. The doctors put you in a wheelchair and ran to the delivery room. You were scared as hell. 

A couple hours later you have your twins. 1 boy and 1 girl, you and Louis couldn't asked for more.


"Come on Y/N you could do this." Liam said. You squeeze his hand very hard but he tries to not show it. "Push" The doctor told me. I push as hard as I can. "Push!" You pushed again. "You're doing great honey," The nurse said then you heard a cry from your baby boy. Tears fell from Liams eyes. Liam finally gets to hold the baby. "Hi Logan, your mom and I have been waiting for you.


 "Princess, he's beautiful!" Niall says holding your new born baby. You just gave birth to your beautiful boy. "So what are we going to name him?" You asked. You both agreed that he chooses the name. "Colin um Joshua Horan." He kiss you and Colin. "I think it is a good name." "I love you and Colin always."


"Honey, you have to start to push." One of the nurse said to you. "Remember that I'll always love you." Zayn kisses you and handing your hand while you squeeze it hard. "Push!" One of the doctors said. You push and felt a sharp pain and squeeze harder on Zayn's hand. A couple of hours you finally have your baby girl. Zayn was soooooooooo happy to be a dad. "Abigail Samantha Malik?" He asked, "Perfect." You smiled.


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