Chapter 1: The Black Reaper

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Author's Note: You know, I wouldn't normally see myself writing for fun. Normally I do video games and reading of my own, however last year I had a brilliant idea for a story that I had to write down. Eventually, after several drafts and story boarding, I finally had a solid plot set for this story... Which I am occasionally writing down as they come to me, but for the time being I'm going to release the first thirteen chapters in episodic fashion every Friday. From then on though, I will update as much as I can. Enjoy.


Chapter 1: The Black Reaper

"Darkness, terror, destruction. The nightmares of man has been displayed throughout all of time in which man has been around, and now, I'm going to re-establish just what it means to be a human." said a young man, probably around the age of 16. Next to him stood a woman, who was about 18. "And you said that I was scary when pissed. Damn Wave, calm down." said the woman. "How can I?! These people have committed atrocities that even you and I are surprised about. These bastards are the root of the evil in this city and it goes all the way to the government. Tell me Val how these guys can even be shown a hint of mercy!" the man named Wave yelled. "They won't. I know just how badly you want to take these guys out, especially after the horrors they put you through years ago." the woman named Val said.

"No... What these assholes have done is far worse than the torture I went through. We are talking innocent men, women, and children. If it were up to me, I would've destroyed every single one of them with my abilities, but I'm not allowed to." Wave said, annoyed by this fact. "That's a good thing, if it was your way, everything within a kilometer from here would have been obliterated. Your power is incredibly dangerous. No, a controlled strike is best" Val said. "Well it's a good thing that that's the case, because I'm going to enjoy taking out these parasites." Wave said as he drew two knives, which were more like short swords that dropped from his sleeves.

Wave then jumped off the building in which both him and Val had just stood, a sixty story building that was an architectural masterpiece. Nothing could penetrate it, and nothing could take out the syndicate that waited inside. Wind rushed past Wave's navy blue hair, he was falling towards the ground at a high speed, and he couldn't enjoy the feeling more. It's been so long since he's been on a mission and he couldn't get over the fact that he could pull off the things he was doing right now whenever he was on a mission. As Wave passed the 40th floor on his way down he threw one of the knives into the window of one room. "Here we go, time to show them what it means to mess with the hometown of the Reapers." Wave muttered as he revealed a hidden line coming from the knife that was stronger than steel, using the momentum he had to smash through a window that was a floor below the knife.

The reaction of the person who was standing on guard at the door was comical as he jumped in surprise when Wave crashed through the window. "Knock knock, guess who" Wave said as he landed. "Who?" The man said as he pointed an assault rifle at Wave. "Your" Wave said as he retracted the line from the knife a floor above him. "Your who?" The man said as he undid the safety on the gun. "Not your, but You're Worst Nightmare" Wave said as he threw the other knife into the man's jugular. Suddenly there was a loud crashing noise as five men burst through the room, all pointing their weapons at Wave. "So you're all here to welcome me? I feel flattered. Sadly, I have one more person here to crash this party." Wave said as he pulled the knife back from the man's throat and hid it in an instant, switching it for a silenced pistol.

The men all took fire at Wave, but they were unsuccessful as the bullets were all stopped. Stopped by the spinning of a double ended scythe wielded by a girl with black hair and a white cape. "Hey dumbass, you forgot to wear your mask, and wait for my signal." Val said. "Oh yeah... Also, thanks for stopping the bullets, I guess the thread didn't connect to their vitals quick enough." Wave said and flexed his left arm pulling back the knife he secretly threw. Immediately, there was a torrent of blood flowing from the men's throats as they all fell to the floor, drowning in their own blood. "It's scary how you're able to move that quickly and sneakily, you know that right?" Val said. "I've been told. Don't even start though building puncher. If you can break through several feet of concrete with a punch, I stand no chance even with my speed." Wave said. "Just shut up and put on your mask idiot. We still have a mission to do."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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