Chapter Eighteen

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Kacey and Jacelyn were out shopping when they ran into someone rushing their way. "Kacey! Jacelyn!" Teri said. Jacelyn was shocked when she seen her actually wearing something that cover her body. "What's wrong?" Kacey asked. She caught her breath. "It's DeShawn! He broke into your dorms." Teri said quickly. They hurried and climbed onto the car. Jacelyn sped off to the dorms. Kacey shook her head.

They arrived to see the California State policeman gathered around the dorms. "Ma'am are you Jacelyn Cortes?" the officer asked. Jacelyn nodded. "Ma'am lucky your friend called us when she saw something suspicious. The burglar already ran when he saw us driving up. But we'll catch him." the officer said. Jacelyn nodded, "Thank you sir." Jacelyn rushed up in her dorm. It was torn up. "Oh my gosh!" Jacelyn shouted. Kacey came in behind. "Look Jacelyn. It had to be DeShawn. The picture of you and Jacques torn down off the wall. Jacelyn picked it up. On the back, it reads "If I can't have you NOBODY can!" Jacelyn begin to panicked. "Oh no!" she said. Kacey rubbed her back. "Look we'll put a stop to it. I promised." Kacey ensured her.





"Cheers to my boy JayyPee!" Devon said with a drink in his hand. The team all rises their drinks and toasted them together. "JayyPee!" they all cheered. The team went out to celebrate at Millhouse Steak House. Rashan and Byrce was the first to order. "Woaaah dawgs! Let the man who lead us to championship order first. Go ahead JayyPee!" Devon said. Jacques looked at menu. Then he looked up at the waitress. She was Carmel color with a nice figure shape. She had full lips and nice size of breast. "Ummm..... I'll take some steak with a Root Beer. Bar-B-Que sauce on the side." he said. The waitress smiled. "Another else sir." she said. Jacques nodded. "Just my teammates." She walked around to the other side of the table. "For you fellows." Rashan went first. "I'll take the deluxe steak with fries and a Coke." Then Bryce, "Give me the deluxe burger with everything. No onions. For the drink give me a Dr. Pepper. Now she made her way back to Devon. "And for you?" she asked. "I'll the same thing my boy right here having." he said patting Jacques. "Okay your order will be right up sir. I'm so sorry. My name is Melanie." she said looking at Jacques. She walked away to give the orders to the cook. "Booy did you see the way she was looking at you!" Rashan shouted. Jacques shook his head. "Naw bruhh. But I already got a girl." he said. Everybody gasped. "So you and Jacelyn back together." Byrce asked. "I mean for time being." he said. The team groaned. "Bro how do you know she ain't kickin' it while she in Cali?" Don said. Jacques got mad. "Cause I know my girl!" he said angrily. "Yo just chill down bruhh!" Devon said. He eyed Don. "Don't say another word." he mouthed to him. Don sat back in his chair. That's when Melanie came with our orders. "Finally time to grub!" Devon said. She placed everyone food down. "Here you go sir. If there's anything you need, I'll be in front." she said placing down Jacques plate. Along with his plate was a note. He opened it. Rashan peeked over his shoulders. "Bruhh she gave you them digits." he said. Devon looked up from his food. "Bruhh you can't let JayyCee find about that." he explained. "I know. I know. I ain't gon' even use shawty number." Jacques said. That's when Don left the table.

So what do think about this? Jacelyn and Kacey dorm was robbed. Who do you think robbed it? Was it DeShawn? Or them friends Jacelyn was hanging with in the beginning? And wassup with Teri wearing full body clothes? Could it be cause her dad didn't approve? Or something to do with Byrce? And the waitress at the restaurant. Could it be she flirting with Jacques? Why did Don leave the table? Stay tuned for "The Rider Girl" to find out more.

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