We walk to the cafeteria in silence we hold hands though. When we walk into the cafeteria people stare.

"I don't get why they are all staring. Haven't they seen us before?"

"Yeah, they probably have, but we are together, victors, and were on TV three days ago." Peeta says. We find Prim in the mess of kids. Prim runs up and hugs me first. I stick my tongue out at Peeta and smile. He rolls his eyes and smiles back.

"Peeta!" She says giving him a hug now. Peeta smirks. It's my turn to roll my eyes this time.

"You finally woke up!" She says. I laugh.

"I woke up a little bit ago," I tell her. "Peeta, she normally sleeps late," Prim says. I guess she is trying to fill him in, but he probably knows my sleeping habits better than her.

The bell rings. Peeta picks Prim up and puts her in his back. We all start laughing. Peeta carries her like that to her history class. So many mouths drop. Peeta drops her off as soon as we get into the classroom. The teacher walks to the front.

"Class today we have a real treat! Katniss Everdeen and Peeta Mellark, last years Hunger Games victors, are here to talk about the Games! I assume you all know Prim, Katniss's sister." The woman says. According to her desk she is Ms. Thompkins. "You two can start from the Reaping." Ms. Thompkins says encouragingly. Peeta nods to me, I guess I'm starting it.

"It started out as a normal day. I was talking with my cousin Gale. When the Reaping came up, I didn't even think of Prim's one slip. I only wished for myself. When her name was called, I fainted. Then the reality hit me, and I started to follow her, and only then did I remember you can volunteer. I did of course, as you all know. Then I wished my cousin Gale wasn't called in the boys. But it wasn't who I thought again; it was Peeta. My first thought was 'Not him.' Peeta saved my life once by throwing me some bread after my father's death. How could I kill him if he saved my life?" I nod to Peeta, and he starts to tell about the day of the Reaping for him.

"It was the same old thing for me I worked in the Bakery that morning. When Katniss' name was called, I knew she would win. I hoped at least; I've had a crush on her since I was five. But when my name was called, I felt lucky I had an excuse to talk to her. My mind shifted gears, and I knew I was going to help Katniss' win. On the train, Haymitch gave us lousy advice. He told us to 'Stay alive' which who knew that was the secret? I told Haymitch at some point on the train that I want Katniss to win. In the Tribute Parade. We were scared to death of that fire. Training Sessions were kind of boring since I have no skill." Peeta says. I pick up right where he left off. The whole class is on the edge of their seats.

"In training is where I realized my talent with a bow. I shot a couple dummy's in my time with the Gamemakers. I still can't believe I got an eleven. The next day was to prepare for our interview. I hated Effie's manner class and Haymitch when he was trying to see what angle I would play. Whoever is picked next year I will make sure has Peeta and I will be in there with Effie. The interview was scary. I was so nervous I would say the wrong thing. But when Peeta said he liked me I thought 'not where we are going'. I couldn't sleep that night." I say lying on some of the parts. It's illegal, so I'm sure not saying it in a school.

"I threw weights. I got an eight which is not near as good as Katniss' eleven. The day to prepare for the interview wasn't bad for me. I was so nervous, but Haymitch told me saying I liked Katniss on stage would gain us sponsors and it was true. If I was going to die, I thought I might as well say it. I couldn't sleep that night. Finally I just went walking around the suite. When the gong sounded, I had to join the Careers to give them a wrong lead about Katniss. They had to kill her last, that was the deal. I figured she could think of some way to kill them." Peeta says. Oh, so that's why he teamed up with them. Stupid Haymitch.

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