"Peeta can lift a hundred pound sack of flour over his head. I've seen it. And he placed 2nd to wresting in our school's competition two years ago. Only his older brother beat him." I've mentioned these words before. We were in an unpleasant situation, and we are in one now too.

"Again Katniss?" Peeta asks. My mother raises her eyebrows.

"I said the same thing to Haymitch last year, before the Games, when Peeta said he didn't have a skill," I say.

"IWhy do you two even like each other, is it only because you had to in the Games?" My mother asks her blonde eyebrows pressed together. Peeta and I look at each other, and I beg with my eyes for Peeta to answer for me. He is much better at saying things than I.

"Mom no, its its not like that. It's not, I dont really know how to explain it but no that is not why."

"Okay good, I was worried that maybe you were just doing it because of the cameras. If that is what you truly want Katniss it makes no difference to me." She walks off to the oven. Prim comes home a little bit later.

"Peeta!" She runs over and hugs him.

"What about me?"

"I saw you this morning. I saw Peeta at the dinner last night, but I haven't really seen him in weeks!" She says.

"I'll let it slide this time." Prim and Peeta both laugh.

"You both are coming to my class tomorrow, right?" She asks eagerly.

"Yes, but some of the stuff we might not answer. The Games kind of left scars on us both, ok?" I try to explain. She nods her head.

 "What time do we need to be there?" Peeta asks.

"Around twelve."

"At least we get to sleep in," I remark happily. 

"Katniss why do you scream at night?" Prim asks. Suddenly I wonder how adult victors explain them to their children.

"You want to know?" I ask grimly, Prim nods.

"Peeta and I both get them. The Games, they make us both guilty. We didn't want to kill those people, so they haunt us in our nightmares because we are sorry for it." 

"Really?" Prim asks, looking at Peeta. 

"Sadly yes." He responds soothingly.

"I don't ever want them." She claims sounding panicked.

"I hope you never get them. Every Victor gets them. But I won't let you be in the Games." I tell her soothingly.

"Time to eat." Mother calls from behind the couch. She is staring at me with an alarming expression. Either she didn't know about the nightmares, or she's agitated I told Prim about them.

"Katniss how about you get Haymitch?" She asks.

"Yeah. Come on Peeta." I say grabbing his hand and yanking him off the couch. We walk to Haymitch's hand in hand.

"I can't believe you just told her that." He says. 

"I know, but she hears me screaming at night she has a right to know," I say.

We walk into Haymitch's house and find him staring at the cabinets. Good bet he wants some alcohol.

 "Do you want to have dinner with us?" I ask.

"Why do you have some big news to share?" I glare at him for the remark. 

"We are just neighborly, some of us are" I tell him smiling at him. Haymitch stares at us trying to see if we are lying.

"I'll go, but it better be something good," Haymitch says, trying to reach his cabinet.

"No alcohol around Prim, Haymitch," I state plainly.

"Like you don't drink." He claims smugly.

"I don't drink!" Anymore, I add myself. 

"Whatever sweetheart." He smirks, then walks across the street to my house. 

No one talks at dinner. Just small talk on the coal market.

"Peeta would your family like to come by to eat dinner tomorrow?" Mother asks.

"I don't know I'll call them real quick," Peeta says leading me into the study where the phone is. 

"I don't know what my mother will say," Peeta says looking worried, running his hands through his hair and fidgiting with the cord on the phone.

"Well, it is time they get to know each other," I state plainly. Peeta nods his head, calls his house and puts it in the setting where I can hear too.

"Hey, Dad can you and mom listen real quick?"

"Yes, she's right next to me Peeta." His father says. 

"Katniss's mother wanted to know if the whole family wanted to come to dinner at her house tomorrow night," Peeta says.

"No! She's from the seam! I will not eat at her home." Mrs. Mellark says. Peeta looks at me and rolls his eyes.

"Witch." He smiles; I guess he does know about her name.

~K.D. Howell 

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