Chapter 2: Take Cover

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A few months later, I held the steering wheel in my hands as I drove towards Abilene. My foot pushed the gas slowly, as I sped on the highway. The clouds were dark again, raining down their tears. I reached for my drink, sipping it without taking my eyes off the road.
I was headed to my parent's house for Thanksgiving. I hadn't seen my parents since my graduation. Lately I had kept to myself, trying to think about pathways for myself. I knew my dad would ask about the plans I had, and that my mother would ask me about my love life. I frowned as I thought about what Rachael said, clutching the steering wheel tightly.
I finally approached the street, my eyes scanning the street, when something caught my eye. I looked up and saw a plane that was big and round, something I hadn't seen before. Attached to the wings were large red cylinder-like objects, which I couldn't identify.
I heard a honk as I looked back at the road in shock to see a sixteen wheeler headed my way. I turned the wheel, swerving away from the truck and hitting the stop sign in the intersection with my front headlight. I kept driving, now completely alert as I looked around to find out if I was headed the right way. I came to a stop sign, and I looked back to see if I left any trail of destruction. Luckily, nothing was out of the ordinary, besides the skid in the dirt and the dent in the stop sign.
I took a breath, relaxing as I stated in front me. I was close to the house now. I passed the stop sign, looking at the small white house over the hill. 'Here we go...'

I looked down at my plate of steak, turkey and mashed potatoes. I heard the gentle clinking of the utensils on the plates from either side of me, while I remained frozen. I finally picked up my fork again and chewed the food. The flavors were exquisite, and well spread out, but I couldn't stop thinking about what happened.
"What's wrong, Ashley? Not hungry?" I put my fork down, setting my elbows on the table and running my fingers through my hair.
"No, I just had a close call on the way here. Can't seem to get it out of my mind." My parents raised their eyebrows and looked at each other, concerned.
"What do you mean?" My mom asked in a worried tone. I put my hands up nervously, hoping to reassure her.
"Oh, it wasn't a big deal! I just hit my front headlight on a stop sign!" My dad blinked, confused.
"Why didn't you tell us?" He asked. I looked back at him at touched my head.
"I was going to, after dinner. Really, dad, I can fix it myself."
He looked at me with an irritated look, but let it go.
"So, Ashley, what are you doing for money?" My dad asked curiously. My mom budded in.
"And have you met any guys you are interested in?" I frowned when my mom said that. I ignored her question and turned to my dad.
"I've held a steady job in Computer Management. Pays good. I haven't decided if I'm staying." He nodded, giving a smile.
"You always wanted to be a musician..." I nodded, turning away.
"That's... unrealistic now." My parents frowned, sighing and looking back at their plates.
My mom stood up after a few moments of silence.
"Anyways, have you met anyone?" I shut my eyes, sighing.
"I'm not looking for love." I answered, taking a piece of my steak with my fork.
"You know I admire independence, Ashley, but you don't want to have a family?"
I blinked, listening carefully to a sound unheard by my parents.
"Ashley, are you listening to m-"
"SHHH!" I shushed her, listening closely. My parents gave me a bewildered look.
"Ashley, what are you-" My eyes widened as the realization hit me like a bullet.
"GET DOWN!!" I shouted, pushing my parents into the hallway and into the bathroom. I ducked down as the sound increased and my parents eyes became shocked. They hit the floor before the explosion touched down on the ground nearby, blowing away the trees and walls around us. I felt nothing but the cold chill down my spine while the rumbles around us continued, pushing me to a breaking point.

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