Chapter 10: Dark Rain & Deep Pain

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Abigail is probably wondering where I am.

I make my way up to the eighty-fourth floor, and can almost feel the building shaking every time I hear the thunder boom.

Watching thunderstorms from the apartment is sick.

The lightning is literally outside your window, it's incredible.

I make my way out of the elevator, and finally arrive at the apartment.

Unlocking the door, I notice I am dripping water.


I take my first steps into the apartment, when a loud noise is made.

Thunder crashes, and slashes violently with the peace that usually falls over this city.

The entire apartment is dark.

The only light on is the one coming from the TV.

It flickers, revealing the girl sitting on the couch.


Her arms are crossed, and I can see from here that her light brown hair falls in gorgeous loose curls around her face.

The TV light dances in the reflection of her eyes.

Good God, those eyes.

I love them. With everything I am made of.

I'm honestly sort of surprised she's still up, as she's been pretty tired lately.

I make my way over to the couch, and notice that she is dressed up.

Her feet are tucked under her body, and her high heels are in her hands, dangling from her fingers.

She's wearing a beautiful tight white dress, and her makeup is done, as well as her hair.

What's going on?

She looks up at me, and the disappointment in her face is evident.

I notice this immediately, and my face grows worried.

"You forgot." Is all she says, shaking her head slightly.

Lightning flashes, illuminating the room for a second.

Thunder follows shortly after, and the skyscraper seems its trembling.

I shake my head, confused.

But in this moment, it hits me.

And right then, a spiraling wave of guilt moves through my entire body.

I had promised a dinner date at our favorite restaurant in town, tonight.

I had promised her that on Independence Day.

I clearly remember it.

And we were both looking forward to it.

Despite it being off-season, we have both been busy with all the Stanley Cup parties, and were in need of a pleasant date.

I sit down beside her, and bury my head in my hands. 

I look up and over to her, staring right into the eyes that make me feel so seduced, so joyful on the inside.

They are firm and stale tonight.

I shake my head.

"Abigail... I'm so... I'm so sorry..." I start, unsure of how to word this.

I've fucked up.

Big time.

"Sorry? Patrick, you were out all evening, and I didn't even get a call. Not a single text. Nothing." She says, eyebrows furrowed.

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