"Well...there are various of fun things inside but it changes after another," Ittoki replied, only to receive a puzzled face from you. By then, the orders arrived. You decided to share with Ittoki some of the food since it wouldn't be fair for him.

"Really? You don't mind sharing it with me? Yay!" Ittoki exclaimed happily but once again blushed due to his weird outburst like a kid. "Forgive me for being like this. Just that it is unexpected for a customer to share their food with me."

By the time you and Ittoki finished the food, Mei arrived and asked the two of you to enter the simulation room.

At the simulation room's entrance...

"Ah...(first name)-chan! You were with Ittoki?" Natsuki beamed happily as soon as he caught sight of you. He seemed to be with someone that looked so familiar to you. The person then turned to your direction and Ittoki's.

"Ah..if it isn't Oto-chin and the girl who bumped onto me without a care the other day," the person said with a hint of sarcasm.

Ittoki awkwardly looked at you to see if you were hurt by her way of greeting and said:

"Oh, hello again, ojou-san. Um...I hope that the two of you could reconcile in a way..." and chuckled nervously.

"Reconcile? We only just met," was all she said. "Don't get all high-and-mighty when you were with him while I'm not." And walked away with Natsuki(read: dragging Natsuki), while holding Natsuki's hands.

"What's her problem...? What did I do to her?" You asked yourself as you looked down at your shoes.

"Gomenasai, I couldn't protect you from her harsh words...," Ittoki apologised softly with a hint of sadness in his red orbs.

"No, you don't have to apologise. You tried, that's enough," you told him, allowing him to slowly regain his composure.

"Arigatou, for encouraging me with your words. You are a kind person," Ittoki commented with a gentle smile. "Alright, let's enter the room and check out what's there for us!"

As soon as they enter the room, they saw about 20 or less couples(who are not paired with any idols) had gathered inside the room. Even the girl who was not in good terms with you was inside with Natsuki.

"Konnichiwa, minna-san! I, Ichinose Tokiya will be the host for today's event due to the absence of the main host, Reiji," Tokiya announced as shown in a video. He was currently in the broadcasting room of the Cafe."Everyone here knows that the purpose for this event is to allow you all, especially couples to get to know each other better, right?"

"Hence, I will need each and every of the couples to go through 2 trials from 2 categories. Each category will consist only 1 situation," Tokiya explained further. "Shortly speaking...this is the instruction for easy reference."

The screen suddenly showed a list of instruction.


1) Lovers
2) Family

1) Lovers
-Date at the amusement park

2) Family
-Dinner with family

*EACH situation has a duration of 30 minutes.
**Narration will be provided to allow the participants to know the situation change.

After reading it, the crowd rose with murmurs of confusion. Somehow, the happy-go-lucky Ittoki was slightly unhappy with what he read.

"Everyone here understand the conditions? If yes, let the event start!" Tokiya announced as he went HAYATO mode(even though he used to hate it).

Narration: Situation 1, your boyfriend decided to have a date in the amusement park with you. How will you sepnd your time with him?

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