3. Mate

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A pic of Joseph King :D

"So is this seat taken?"

I looked up and immediately straightened myself. Guess who just asked me that? That's right, my mate.

I glanced at Gracie who was scowling at me from where she was seated. You shouldn't be a bitch to me at the first place.

There's no way I'm going to apologize to her. Why is she so mad at me for not agreeing on going out with Wyatt? Whatever happens between us have nothing to do with her.

I turned back to my mate, who is waiting for my answer.

"Nope. This seat is no longer taken." I made sure that my voice is loud enough for Gracie to hear.

"Thanks." He gave me a side grin and sat beside me. I noticed the two muscular guys took the empty seat behind my mate and I.

Now that I really look at the guys, both of them are good looking and muscular. Both of them have defined jawline. In fact, all three of them have defined jawline.

Since I don't know their names, I can only call them in terms of the intensity of their hair color. My mate is a brunette while both are blond. But one is a sandy blonde with bigger muscles and another is a dirty blonde with a slight leaner body.

"Checking out my friends, huh?" He teased, but I can sense some annoyance behind those words. Some jealousy maybe?

I shrugged and looked elsewhere.

As much as I wanna talk to him, to hear his voice, I have no idea what to talk about.

Drumming my fingers on my lap, I can't think of any subjects to talk about.

"I-" both of us started at the same time.

"Ladies first?" He asked me, his voice was deep and mysterious.

"Well, I noticed that you have some friends that definitely look like bodyguards. It's either you are rich or weak." I commented.

He laughed quietly, his voice sounding deep. Then he smirked, leaning closer towards me.

"Babe, I'm filthy rich and definitely not weak. In fact, I'm stronger than you think."

Is he flirting with me? "Am I supposed to be impressed by your strengths?"

"Yes and the fact that I'm the sexiest beast alive."

I couldn't help but laugh at that.

"I'm Joseph. Joseph King. And you are?" He let out hand to me.

"Keira. Keira Ravens." I gave him a smile and returned his shake.

That's when I felt like some kind of electric flowed through my arm. I pulled away, blushing slightly.

"Um... what was that?" I asked nervously to Joseph.

Honestly, I wanted to know if he feels the electric jolt, and how he feels about it. However, what he said was completely not what I had expected.

"Oh, the sparks? Well that's definitely a sign of attraction." He winked at me.

My face instantly heat up. Is he going to continue teasing me?

Fortunately and unfortunately at the same time, we have the exact same lessons together. It is fortunate because in that way I can...

There's no advantages now. Only unfortunate. I mean, it's really hard for me to concentrate in class and having the need to look at him all the time.

I really need to talk about this with someone. I mean, this is a pretty big deal. It's not everyday that we found our mates.

And mine's human. There is only one person I can talk to. Hopefully he'll listen.

The upcoming chapters will be longer... hopefully. Thanks for reading. Enjoy :D

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