-Stating Dress Codes-

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     5 hours later I'm sitting on this foam couch next to an, oh so handsome, boy. He attempted to 1. put his hand on my thigh which I 2. slapped the fucker away. 3. feed me popcorn and I 4. stuck my tongue out at him.  So yes you could say he tried real hard to get a piece of this. I have to say I am flattered. 

"Ugh  I don't understand this damn show." Dakota threw his hand up. 

"You aren't intelligent enough to grasp the concept."

"Oh yeah?" he asks, scoffing. 

"Yeah?" I say. 

"So condescending, you are." He pokes at my side with a childish grin and I swat his hand away. 

"What did I say about physical contact?" I ask. While watching the movie Dakota made many advances towards me, so we made a deal that he may not touch me unless he asks politely. 

"Fuck that." he grins and tackles me. "I'd rather touch you while you ask politely for more." he smirks down at me as my stomach does a million tiny little flips. I quickly brush him off and roll out from under him. 

"In your dreams." I say, throwing the couch cushion at him. I head into the kitchen setting the coffee pot to boil. 

"Oh much better things happen in my dreams." he states. "Coffee this late?" 

"Of course. It's decaf though. I can't drink caffeinated this late, I would be up all night. "

"No matter that, we could do something to burn that energy right up." he grins. A flash of heat spreads through my body but I quickly shake it off. 

"You have a dirty mouth you know." I simply tell him, pulling out my phone so my aunt could come get me. Dakota doesn't reply to my remark and I'm surprised by this. I dial her number and she answers immediately. "Hey!" 

"Hello, sweetheart." her voice is soft and nice and to be honest, I've missed her. 

"Uhm, I'm ready for you to come get me."

"Oh! Good, but I'm sorry dear you can't stay too long, I have some company later tonight.." she trails off.

"A date!?" I half squeal. My aunt really deserves someone, after her ex-husband left her with nothing but a quick shake of his head. 

"Oh honey, It's not much, his name is Rick." I can hear her smiling from here. My heart just aches with happiness and pride for her. 

"That's great, I'll be seeing this Rick before I leave right?" I tease, telling her I'd be sure to only scare him a little bit. 

After what seemed like an hour but was only 10 minutes she told me she was on her way. I hang up the phone, tucking it in my pocket. Dakota's laying back on the couch, the blanket pulled slightly over his side. He is a fucking jerk, but I give him credit for his good looks. 

"Oh dearest, would you come here?" he coos. I choose to ignore his ridiculous nick name and stride over to him.

"What do you want." I flatly ask.

"I have to tell you something." He remarks, mocking my tone. 

"Well, what is it?" I say, getting annoyed. He motions for me to come closer, so I do. 

He shakes his head due to the fact that I'm not close enough and palms either side of my face with his hands, pulling me closer, forcing me to fall onto his lap. Our noses almost touch and he seems quite pleased with himself. 

"You can't wear those shorts in this dorm room, miss." He surprises me by saying. Here I am half sprawled over him on the couch and he's stating dress codes.

"What the hell, why not?" I ask confused. 

"Well, I am a boy, and I can't help but stare at the delicious curve of your a-" I gasp covering his mouth with my hand before he can finish

"Dakota!" I squeal. He chuckles, the sound muffled by my hand, a deep sound, pleasant really. His eyes are staring right up into mine slightly glistening asking me if he can finish.  I let go.

"Anyways, it's quite distracting and if you're going to prance around declaring your rules of no physical contact and whatever else you come up with you might want to wear hideous long skirts and such so that at least I'm not tempted. Because if you didn't notice, look at us right now, we're practically having sex.. a few layers of clothing and-" I cover his dirty mouth again. 

"We are NOT practically having sex. A few other things would need to occur for the situation." I scoff and hop off of his lap.   

"For real, it's really really distracting.." he says and I don't even have to turn around to know what exactly he's looking at. I quickly make my way to the door.

"I'm leaving now. I'll be back in like an hour." I tell him, not sure why I feel the need to explain myself, it's none of his business. 

As soon as I make my way down the hall to the front door I see my aunt waiting, grinning so large that I was surprised she didn't start laughing or something.

"Alice! My god look how grown and beautiful you are!" she cries, enveloping me in a big hug. 

I laugh, "Look at you though! Looking amazing yourself aunt Tracie!" I say, leaning back to get a good look at her. She really is beautiful.

Her curled brown hair falls just past her shoulders. She's about 40 years old but she's always been younger at heart. 

"Thank you sweetheart. Really means a lot." she grabs my hand and squeezes it gently. 

We both walk to the car, hopping in and talking all the way to her house. 

Her house is big, giant steps lead up to the french front doors. She smiles, "This is home, dear." 

I cringe at the usage of "dear" remembering not 20 minutes ago Dakota called me by almost that exact name.

"Wow, it's really beautiful." I say, taking in all the colors and flowers out front. 

"Thank you! I try to keep it nice." she smiles again. 

We walk into the house and she offers me some tea, I politely decline, remembering the coffee that I had forgotten to drink all because of Dakota. I wonder what he's doing at the moment? Probably still sitting in that exact same spot, with his hair all perf-

"Alice?" my aunt says, concerned, pushing me out of my trance. 

"Yes! Sorry, I was drifting into space there." I wave my hand around clearing the nonsense I was thinking.

"Oh, I'm sure a new college campus and all has got you thinking and considering! How has that been so far?" she asks me. 

"Oh you know.." I think about all the chaos and decide to save myself the story, "it's been good. I like the dorms, they're very clean," except for the filthy mouthed boy who resides there, "and I absolutely love California and the campus." 

"Oh great I'm glad to hear that." she says. After about 20 minutes of talking about my mom, my brother and other random things she happened to conjure up, she tells me that Richard will be there any minute and I decide to save the poor man from meeting me the first time, taking the keys from aunt Tracie to the truck parked out along the house. We say our goodbyes and I hop into the car. 

The radio blares and I turn it down, shivering from the cold night air. I turn up the heat and drive back to the campus.

After talking to the office lady briefly I dredge through the halls, surprisingly excited to see Dakota. I open the door and am absolutely horrified as to what is happening in front of my eyes right now. It's Dakota, fucking some girl over the couch. 

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