-You Just Ate My Lucky Charms-

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So after 4 hours of non-stop American Horror Story, we finally stopped watching and I am officially tired out. Acacia is passed out, Blakely went back to his dorm, and Dakota is also passed out. Now I have to take Acacia back to her dorm. This should be fun. So I literally drag my best friend over my shoulder, and into the hallway, then take a sharp turn into the other hall, and finally come to a screeching halt in front of her dorm.  I knock on the dorm room door, and Blakely opens it. 

"Hey," I say with a apologetic smile, "I'm sorry, she fell asleep on the couch and I didn't want to wake her up, you know?"

"Yeah, I get it, here," he snakes his arm under her waist and carries her into the dorm, sending me off with a nod. 

On the way back to my dorm, I grab a water and gulp almost half the container down. I make it back to the dorm, finally, and find Dakota still passed out on the couch. I lightly roll my eyes, and walk towards the bed, gathering all my stuff, and putting it all where it belongs. I hear a groan from the living room and walk out to see Dakota, poor tired Dakota, walking half asleep towards his bed. On his journey, he hits the wall, stubs his toe, and the last one he trips over his shoe. 

I can't hold it in so I burst out into a fit of laughter. "Oh my god!" I double over, laughing.

"Shut up." he groans as he stands up and pushes past me to his bed. His hairs all messy and his eyes are all puffy. 

I laugh to myself as I grab my pajamas and head to the bathroom to change. Gazing in the mirror, my pale skin staring back at me, I think of all the times I saw that reflection and hated it. The tears streaming down my face. I wince, looking away from the mirror, and changing quickly. I'm careful not to be too loud. I crawl into bed, and pull my sheet up to my chin, looking at the white specked ceiling. I pull out my book, and my book light, And begin to read, 'And that night, under the street lamp, she saw it. So perfectly formed, waiting for her, paying attention only to what he saw; her...' 

"OOMF!"  I groan, when something crashes into my face, sending my book flying out of my hands and onto the floor. I sit straight up in bed, my hair everywhere, face stern, and look over at the culprit. "What the hell was that?!" I yell at him, staring with wide eyes. 

"They're called pillows." he says, as he hunkers down into the cave of sheets he made.

"Wow, really? Thanks Captain Obvious, mind telling me WHY you threw it at me?" I say, sitting to face him.

"Because you were annoying me." he says flatly. I look at him in disbelief.

"Annoying you? I was reading a book! For goodness sake." I say.

"Yeah, well, your stupid light thingy was on and I couldn't sleep. Therefore, I threw a pillow at your face, and look, its off."

"YOU BROKE IT. Its not off! Its bro-ken!"  I say. "And usually when people want someone to stop doing things, they ask. They ask nicely. So, maybe if you would have just asked me, I would have agreed and turned it off respectively. But look where we are now." I glare at him.

"Ha, well, all I'm concerned about is not being able to sleep, and since your stupid light is broken there should be no issue now. Goodnight, Alice in Wonderland." he hunches into his sheets and closes his eyes. I stare at him in disbelief.

"Now I won't be able to know who Rogan saw under the streetlight until tomorrow!" I groan and let myself plop back down onto the bed.

"Sucks to suck." he mumbles into his pillow.

I manage to get over myself and fall asleep, dreaming about the possibilities that could happen to Rogan, and her street lamp lover.


I wake up to the sound of ..Obama? 

"Though our 50 states are.." the voice says. I unsteadily slip on my bunny slippers and groggily walk into the living room to see what all the commotion is. To my lovely surprise I see Dakota there, with a bowl of lucky charms, watching the news. He glances my way.

"Sup' Wonderland?" he says through all the cereal in his mouth. 

"Ew, talk with your mouth closed. Are you seriously watching the news?" I snort. 

"Yes, because I just so happen to care about the world, and are you seriously wearing bunny slippers?" he mocks my snort.

"Hmph. I just so happen to be wearing them, thanks for noticing." I smile and walk to the kitchen, plopping down into the chair. 

"Hungry?" He asks. 


"Oh god, don't tell me you don't eat food like normal people in this world do." he says, tilting his head to the side.

"Yes, I eat food, good God."

"Well, you are pretty skinny. You might just be really good at lying. You sureeeee you eat?" he waves his spoon at me. 

"Yes!" I march over to the couch and take the spoon out of his hands, taking a bite of cereal. "MM, FOOD." 

"You just ate my lucky charms.." he says with a hurt expression. 

"Why, yes I did. " I say, skipping off to the counter. 

"Because I am a normal person and I eat food." I smile. This guy is something, alright.

After sitting in the kitchen on my phone for the last hour, I go get ready. Not knowing whats to come of the day,  I throw on a t-shirt and some jeans. 

"Im headed out!" I yell out, no reply, so I just leave, searching for something better to do than just sit here with him. 


Thanks for reading guys(:

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