02. People are Psychotic

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"Pie, Sammy! I told you to get pie! Where is the pie?" Dean panicked, strewing the contents of their store bought dinner across the table of the motel. What he saw revealed only one thing - no pie. Dean looked up to his brother, or a Sasquatch- it was hard to tell the difference these days with his shaggy brown hair.

"They didn't have any." Sam responded, a blatant lie, he had forgotten the pie once again. Dean wasn't in the mood for Sammy's 'forgetful' nature, this whole healthy eating thing was becoming a bit much. He called him on it.

"What do you mean they have no pie? What kind of hick town is this? They have a giant orchard but no pies? I smell lies Sammy." Sam shifted uncomfortably, under the knowing gaze of his older brother.

"Alright, I forgot the pie. It's not good for you anyways." He responded, sliding out the chair opposite Dean. He gazed in slight disbelief at the food his brother ate on a regular basis, by choice. The leafy greens and chopped up vegetables, smoothies and god knows what else. Junk. There was no other way to describe it, to be honest there were days he wondered how his brother was even alive. He hurried to push that thought from his head. The pair knew all too well the extent they had and would go to, to revive the other from the dead. Visiting the realm of the shadows a few times himself, he was not to eager for either of them to have a reunion with Death anytime soon.

Dean peeled back the wrapper on his burger and took a large bite, the taste of grease and processed cheese hitting his tongue all at once. A godly combination of flavours, he thought, taking another large bite. "Food of the gods!" He exclaimed, holding the burger as if it contained the very essence of life. He pulled the piece of bacon that hung out with his fingers and dropped it down the hatch, savouring it's greasy taste.

Sam shook his head once more at Dean and popped the lid open on his salad, soaking in the sight of fresh vegetables and grilled chicken. "That stuff's for girls Sammy!" Dean stated, giving his brother a sorry look. Sam rolled his eyes and poured a small amount of dressing on before he dug in. He was still strong on his desire to keep healthy, despite his brother's best efforts to turn him to the dark side. Dean would get it one day, and when that day came he'd be laughing.

"Alright, so what did you find?" Sam asked, as Dean popped the last bite of the burger into his mouth.

"Other than the fact that orchard's productivity has gone down significantly since the last time we were here? Not much." Dean responded, a hint of bitterness to his voice. "And I am not going in that orchard again, couldn't eat apple pie for weeks!"

Sam should have known better than to leave his brother in charge of research, he had a tendency to overlook things. "Do you know how much it takes to ruin pie?" Dean asked, as if it was the true reason they were here. Pie, the strongest force in the cosmic universe! At least, that was the way Dean talked about it.

"The way you eat it? I'm sure it would take a lot to ruin pie." Sam had promised not to preach about his brother's eating habits... and exercise habits... sleeping habits... life choices. Despite this deal, he made a stab every now and then, hoping a subtle reminder might somehow lodge into his brother's thick head, though he knew his attempts were futile. 

"I don't know, maybe it's just a coincidence? I mean, it sure looked like the same conditions as the others. Maybe we are looking at just some serial killer. That's not our field Sammy, we'll leave that for the feds and get the hell outta dodge before they come in. People are psychotic, I don't deal well with people."

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