Missing Elliott

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I went home and decided to do a few things to keep my mind off of Elliott. After a half hour, nothing was working. So I gave up.

I was busy cleaning my room when I got a text from Elliott.

💬I really need to FaceTime with you. It's really important.💬

💭Please be something good.💭

I FaceTime Elliott on his iPhone.

"So, you wanted to talk with me." I said.

"Glad that you responded quickly." He said.

I smile.

"You know that I'll always care for you, even if we're not together and even if we're far, far away from each other, right?" Elliott asks me.

💭1. That was out of nowhere. 2. I never knew he had the same feelings as me. 3. I thought of when and where our first kiss would be. 4. I thought of what that kiss would be like a lot. 5. What do I say?💭

"Yeah." I reply. "I do."

💭I'm having that moment when you are thinking you and your crush's wedding day. 🙈💭👰🏻💍💭

"Good." Elliott said. "I'm glad that you know that."

"What's going on?" I ask Elliott.

This made me want to text Benjamin.

💬Hey Benjamin, publish the Stitches cover.💬

"Just nothing." Elliott said.

"Then why are you smiling?" I ask.

"I have my reason." He says.

"I can't know the reason?" I say.

"Nope." He says popping the p.

"How come?" I say.

"It's a surprise." Elliott says.

"I hope it's a good one." I say.

"Oh it will be." He says.

I laugh. "Confident much?" I ask.

"Very." Elliott says while putting his fingers through his hair. "Just wait and see."

"I'm sure that I'll know your confidence when I see it." I say.

"You should." He says.

💭One thing go sure, he's hiding something.💭

"Okay, I'll text you." I say. "Bye." I hang up before Elliott says another word.

💬What was that all about? -Elliott💬

💭Shoot! What do I say?💭

💬I have to clean my room before my dad gets home. So sorry if the quick bye was a bit rude.💬

💬Lol, it wasn't, just text me in a bit. Later✌🏻️💬


💭That was a close one.💭

Well, back to cleaning my room!

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