"You're welcome." I replied as I put some salted popcorn in the microwave.

"So, what are you going to do all night if you have no books?" She asked.

"Watch a film I think." I shrugged.

"Ok." She replied with an approving shrug. "I will be home around twelve." She called before she went out of the house.

The timer went off so I retrieved the popcorn from the microwave and poured it into a bowl. It smelt so good that my mouth started to water a little. I trudged up the stairs to my DVD cabinet.

I searched through all the DVD's and found Pirates Of The Caribbean. "Yes. How can I resist this?" I asked myself as I placed the DVD in the DVD player and turned the volume up really loud since I was home alone.

It was the first one. The curse of the black pearl. Not the best one though, the third was the best. Good enough to make me cry... Oh how I cried when Will had to leave Elizabeth.

"You best start believing in ghost stories, Miss Turner... You're in one." I spoke along with Captain Barbossa.

More of the music blasted through the speakers and I loved it, pirate music just seems to get to me. It's my favourite type of music if im speaking honestly. The violins and cellos and other instruments all fit together beautifully and the bass making the music sound like waves crashing against the boat is so clever. Hardly noticeable but so imaginable.

When the film finished, I looked at the time. Almost nine.

I took the DVD out and put it away before putting on the music channel and listening to 'Team' by Iggy Azalea. Just because i'm not popular, doesn't mean I can't listen to popular music.

I heard the loud doorbell ring and I ran downstairs to get it. I almost had a heart attack when I opened it.

Nate was standing on my doorstep with a black bag in his hand. He looked like he had been crying. He had big red puffy eyes and faint tear streaks down his face.

"Urm... hi?" I said as he looked at me. Hi was just about the only word I could come up with at the moment.

"Hi." He mumbled as he shifted from one foot to another.

"What do you want?" I asked as I crossed my arms over my chest. I tried to look like I didn't care about his crying to keep up my guard and apparently, it worked.

"Look. I know you hate me... but please. I need a place to stay." He blurted out.

"Why should I help you?" I asked. "All you've done for the past four years is make my life miserable and lonely." I said before I realised I said it.

"I know but I have no where else to go." He said. I could see tiny almost un-noticable tears forming in his eyes.

"What about all your friends?" I asked.

"Neither want to or can help." He replied.

"What about all your 'girls', I'm positive they would love to provide a bed for you and probably more. It's a win win." I said as I moved my hands from my chest and placed them on my hips.

I don't know why I was being so harsh to be perfectly honest. Somethings really hurt him. He's broken. A broken bad boy.

"They can't help me. Not now. I don't even want to think about them." He shouted at me.

"Im sorry." I said as I looked down at my feet. Clearly I have struck a nerve.

"For what?" He asked.

"I'm being totally rude while your crying and obviously hurt. Come in" I said as I moved to the side, feeling bad for leaving him outside.

"Yeah, you are" He said as he walked in. I rolled my eyes. Even though he is hurt and upset, he still has a huge ego and a cheeky attitude.

"The spare room is on the next floor, go to the end of the corridor and it's the one to the left. Stay as long as you want. But don't bother me and don't get in my way." I said as I walked into the kitchen.

"So I can stay?" He asked as he followed me.

"Yes. But don't even think about talking to me. I hate you." I said as I stormed out and up the stairs. A little dramatic but I hope I got the message across.

Because I'm an only child, I get the whole third floor to myself. There's five rooms in total.

My bedroom, my lounge area, my bathroom, my huge games room and my old play room which I turned into my study/mini library.

I turned my music on again and 'Boys and Girls' by Will.i.am was playing. I sang along as I turned it up and walked into my study. There were speakers in every room on my floor that connected to my TV.

I got on with my homework and then Googled some more facts that I could one day need to know.

'Caterpillars have four thousand muscles'
'Humans have 70,000 thoughts per day'
'Cats have 32 muscles in each ear'
'The average person laughs 15 times a day'

I looked up at the time. Almost twelve. I walked downstairs and waited in the living room on the sofa so I could tell mum about Nate.

I heard the door open and then close. I ran to it and saw Mum. "Mum." I said.

"Yes honey?" She asked.

"Do you remember Nate?" I asked.

"The boys that's been bullying you?" She asked as she pulled off her heels and sighed as her feet lay flat on the floor.

"Yeah, him. Well, he's kind of in the guest bedroom..." I trailed off.

"Why?" She asked.

"He turned up on the doorstep with his bag, claiming he had no where else to go so I told him he could stay here for a little while." I explained. "He was crying Mum. He looked really broken." I added.

"Well, I guess he could stay for a little while. But next time call me first." She replied. The goodness in me and my mum influences us to help people in need, no matter who they are.

"I told him to stay out of my way and not talk to me." I said.

"Why on earth did you say that?" She asked.

"I still hate him Mum. He ruined my life. One minute we were going into secondary together and the next minute he was bullying me and making me feel like a piece of litter on the ground." I told her as I remembered how close we used to be. We went from friends to enemies in the space of a few days. He got new and 'cooler' friends while I got none.

"I know honey. He wasn't very nice. He still isn't. But I am so proud of you for letting him in and being the bigger person." She smiled as she hugged me and kissed my head.

I let a tear leak down my face and I quickly wiped it away.

"Go to bed. School tomorrow." She said as she began to climb the stairs to her room.

"Ok " I replied as I walked into the kitchen to get a drink.

I opened the door and bumped straight into Nate. "How much of that did you hear?" I asked with a sigh as I pinched the bridge of my nose.

"I arrived when you said I was in the guest bedroom." He mumbled.

Oh no. That means he heard what I said. Great, just great. I turned on my heel and walked upstairs. I got into my pjs and flopped on my bed.

Maybe im not prepared for this year...

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