Chapter 1

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It has been 4 years since Nezumi had left Shion. 4 years of suffering, Shion wondered if he would see the love of his life again, he had started to forget the sound of Nezumi's voice, the touch of his skin pressing against his own, he couldn't seem to recall the exact shade of grey Nezumi's eyes were and that was scaring him because he wasn't ready to forget him. He wanted to have faith that their love was stronger than anything and that it would reunite them some day, and no matter how long it would take, Shion wasn't ready to give up, he would be waiting forever if he had to, he wasn't going to love anyone that isnt Nezumi, he knew that Nezumi would come back sooner or later.

The days passed and still nothing, Shion began to lose faith and sometimes he started to wonder if Nezumi would acctually come back, but other times he tried to convince himself that Nezumi would soon knock at his door. The depression had invaded Shion, he didnt have anyone or anything besides his mother and he didn't feel like he was home, his home had left him at the runis of what was the wall of No.6... And now he felt like he didn't belong anywhere, sometimes he wishes to go to sleep and never wake up, he thought that if he died maybe it could be like a reset button and reincarnate into someone else and start fresh, in a new life,so he would stop suffering...

SHION'S P.O.V (Point of View):

"I'm off to work."

"Okay honey, have a good day!" said my mom cheerfully

I left and started walking down the empty streets. 10 minutes later I arrived at work, It was my second day, i worked alone in the security office, i was in charge of watching the surveillance cameras and report if there was any sign of trouble, my job was pretty easy, and was quite boring but it paid well so I didn't care, actually i didn't care about anything anymore.

1 hour of watching nothing but people going on with their lives, pretty standard stuff, nothing exciting... I thought that when the people of the outsides of No.6 got back it would be a chaos but it wasn't, it was calmer than it used to be before the demolition of the wall, the security had changed and we no longer had to wear our ID bracelets, we only had standard police officers like from the times before the war, they only started placing cameras at every corner, just in case.


"Shion... Shion... Oh god yes, keep going, yes, oh my god that feels so good, don't stop... Shion? Why are you stopping? Shion? "

When I looked down I saw Shion dead on my lap, blood was falling from his eyes... AAAAGGHHHH

I woke up screaming... Ugh another sex dream turning into a nightmare...

I can't stand it anymore, I have to go back for Shion, I only left to proof I could live without him, but I don't want to live without him anymore but I'm scared that if I go back she would find him and kill him. No, I can't keep thinking about that, it has been months that she didn't come back so why would she follow me now?

Tsukiyo jumped on my lap and squeaked

"Yes, yes we are going to see Shion and Cravat" I said to Tsukiyo patting him on the head. I got up and started to get my things ready.

"Time to leave, Tsukiyo" he jumped on my shoulder.

After days of walking, I finally got to No.6, now the problem was that I didn't knew where Shion was...

After walking a few blocks I saw an old lady and tried asking her about Shion but she didn't seem to know him, so I continued walking, I figured that at some point I would find him.

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