Chapter Nine-The Party for Princess Sydney

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Chapter Nine

The Party for Princess Sydney

“Princess Sydney, wake up! It’s almost time for the party.” Someone said near Sydney.

“What? I am still sleepy mom. Tell them to wait; I’ll be on the pool garden after thirty more minutes.” Sydney said irritably.

“Uhm…Princess Sydney, I am not your mom. I am Sissy.” The voice said.

“Yeah sissy, go down, just tell them to wait. I am sure you’re with Brielle.” Sydney said.

“Yes, I am here Princess Sydney. You better wake up; the party will start within fifteen minutes.” Another voice said.

“What do you mean, party?” Sydney asked while opening her eyes.

She gasped when she saw Sissy and Brielle.

“Why?” Sissy asked looking concerned. “Is there a problem?”

Sydney shook her head. “I thought everything was just a dream and I guess I was wrong.”

The pixies nodded.

“I didn’t notice that I slept over here.” Sydney announced.

“You better get ready for the party Princess Sydney. Your father will be disappointed if you’re late for your first ever party here.” Brielle said.

Sydney nodded.

Sissy took the bathrobe and gave it to Sydney before she went out of the pool room with Brielle.

When the pixies were finally out of the room, Sydney stood up and wore the bathrobe before following the pixies out of the pool room.

“Do you want us to prepare your gown and shoes for tonight?” Sissy asked.

Sydney shook her head. “I’ll do it by myself.”

Sydney started walking towards the door of her dressing room. When she entered the room she walked towards her closet.

“Now, what would I wear?” Sydney asked herself.

Sydney saw a silver gown. She took it and wore it.

Sydney smiled. “It fits really well.”

She went to her shoes cabinet and took four-inch open shoes. She wore it and went straight to her full body mirror.

“I wish I am still with you guys.” Sydney said.

“Princess Sydney, Charles and his friends are already here.” Brielle said aloud.

Sydney took one more look at herself in the mirror before she goes out of the room.

“Hey, good evening.” Sydney said as soon as she saw the boys waiting for her sitting on her bed casually.

Charles stood up abruptly. “You’re beautiful even if your gown is simple.”

Sydney smiled genuinely. “Thank you. I am glad you found it alright.”

Kevin shook his head while standing up. “It’s not just alright.”

Scott stood up. “It’s stunning. I mean, you’re stunning.”

“Thank you so much guys” Sydney smiled.

“We better get going. The party is in the Party Hall.” Charles said.

“Where is that?” Sydney said. “I don’t know where it is.”

“Don't worry, we are so familiar here.” Scott said. “We know where it is.”

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