Chapter Eight-Start of the Plan

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Chapter Eight

Start of the Plan

Sydney took her new wand from the pixies. She smiled. “It’s cute.”

“I am just wondering dear pixies, why did you give her a purple wand? I thought girls royalties supposed to have pink royalty wand?” A girl asked from the crowd. The girl is smiling sweetly when she asked that question to the pixies.

“I don’t know. We just give the wands to the fairies but we don’t make them. The circle does.” The boy answered.

“Dear, can you explain why her wand is purple not pink?” The girl asked to the pixie on her right, the girl one.

“Of course I know what it means.” The pixie answered proudly. “It means…err it means…err sorry Princess Karen, I forgot what it means.”

“How about you Klein, you know what it means?” The girl asked to the pixie on her left, which is a boy.

The pixie shook his head. Karen pouted.

“Don’t you know that the pixies of the royalties are different from the pixies of the normal fairies?” the girl pixie of Sydney interrupted. “We studied things other didn’t. We know things other don’t.” She said proudly.

“Explain everything then.” The girl dared her.

“Of course I will but not in your orders.” The pixie answered.

“Command her then Sydney.” The girl told Sydney.

Sydney raised her right eyebrow. “Who are you?”

The girl smiled and started walking towards Sydney. She stopped in front of her. “I am Karen by the way, your brother’s girlfriend.” She extended her hand to Sydney.

Sydney looked at Karen’s hand. “Yeah right, whatever.”

Karen raised her eyebrow irritably, she looked at Sydney. Her sweet smile vanished.

“Sydney! My daughter! I am glad you finished your policy.” Mike said. “I want to say sorry if we’re late. We have to search for Michael before we go here.” He looked at Karen.

Karen smiled sweetly again. “Good morning uncle!” she looked at Gina. “Good morning aunt!”

“Good morning, are you here to greet my daughter?” Mike asked.

Karen nodded.

“That’s great Karen. No doubt you’ve got Michael’s heart. You’re so sweet and kind.” Marco said appearing out of nowhere.

“Thank you Uncle Marco.” Karen said sweetly. “Hello sweetie.” Karen said when she saw Michael. She walked near him and kissed him on the cheeks. “Your sister is so beautiful. No wonder she’s Uncle Mike and Aunt Gina’s daughter. She’s kind and pretty.”

“Are you sure?” Karen nodded. “Whatever.”

“Anyway, you just have to see her wand. It’s rare. I never see one before hers. It’s –.”

“It’s purple daddy. I can’t understand what she’s nagging about. She’s asking questions about why is it purple and not pink like the others wands.” Sydney interrupted holding her wand so that the others can see it too.

“I wonder why it is like that. I thought royalties have pink for girls and blue for boys as their wands but she has purple instead. She can’t be second royalty like me because we should have yellow for girls and green for boys. She can’t be normal fairy too because normal fairies should have black ones. I wonder if you’re sure she’s your missing daughter Uncle Mike. You know there are so many impostors these days. Not that I am saying she’s an impostor and that your judgment is wrong but are you sure she’s a real royalty and that she’s your real daughter Uncle?”Karen said.

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