Chapter 5

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-- 3rd person P.O.V --

"Did you miss something? Did you?! Seriouysly Thor, how can you possibly sleep trough that?!" Tony yelled, suprisingly annoyed.
"Sleep trough-" Thor yawns, "what?"
"Percy screaming on top of his lungs, and being covered in wounds when he wakes up.." Natasha muttered under his breath, but still being loud enough for all of them to hear.
"Is he okay?"
"Well, like I said, he was covered in bruises and wounds and seemed to have even few broken ribs. Although when he sat under the shower, they started to heal. Do you know anything about that, Thor?"
"That must be Tartarus..." Thor muttered.
"Must be what, Thor?" Natasha asked.
"I am not in a place to tell you without his permission."
"And why is that?"
"He has been through a lot, and-" Thor was cut off by Percy, who walked in the room looking extremely tired.

Bruce almost shot up from where he was sitting, and started fussing over him, but stopped suddenly.
"You're.. You're completely fine. How?"
Percy smirked. "It's a long story."
"Percy, I think it's time for you to tell us about what is going on", Steve said.
Percy's smirk fell. "Yeah, I guess I have to. This is gonna be a long night.. But first, do we have any pancakes? I'm hungry."

After Percy had had his pancakes, everyone gathered in the living room.
"So... What do you know about greek mythology?."
(A/N I'm not gonna write the story here, but just imagine that Percy tells his whole story, but stops when he and Annabeth are going to fall in to Tartarus)
"...I was hanging from the edge of T-Tar... The Pit with Annabeth."
"What's the pit?" Tony cut in but he didn't get an answer. Percy's eyes were sad, and it looked like he was zoning out.
"Tartarus, or the Pit, is the place where all monster go when they are killed. The air there is poisonous, and to survive you need to drink from the Phlegethon river, wich doesn't have water, but fire. It keeps you alive, but is painful. Not even gods dare to go in Tartarus. Percy and Annabeth were the only demigods ever to go there and come back alive. Their friend Nico, we met him the other day, has survived too, but he wasn't with them. I don't know exactly what happened to them in there, but... I can still tell that it was something that no one should ever have to go trough."

-- Percy's P.O.V --

I wasn't really spacing out, I just didn't want to talk about the Pit, and I'm really grateful for Thor who seemed to pick up my hint and explained it to them.
After he was done, I glanced him, and nodded just a bit, telling him that I really respected what he did.
"Yeah, well, that happened, but we got out when the good titan Bob-"
"There's a titan named Bob?" Tony snorted, but shut up when the others glared at him.
"Well, before his name was Iapetus, but stuff happened and now his name is Bob. Now as I was saying, Bob helped us out", Percy glanced at the ceiling "and the rest of the seven were waiting for us. We did get the statue of Athene Parthenos at the camp, or Nico and Reyna did. We did win the fight, but... Too many were killed."

After few minutes of silence, Steve finally asked something that most of them were thinking; "I know you were one of the best and most powerful demigods, but why would they put a child to lead an army in two wars, and still you have to fight for your life constantly?"
"That's the thing, right now I'm the oldest demigod alive. Most don't even make it over 16, before they are killed in fights or in wars."
After short moment of shocked silence, Steve said quietly: "That's.. That's awful." Everyone nodded.
"I know but that is just how it is. I hate to say this, but you'll get used to that after a while", I said, thinking about all my friends that had died.
"Wow. That sounds like a rough way to live", said Clint.
I answered: "Yeah.. It is."


Peace Out

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