Chapter 4

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-- Tony's P.O.V --

I have no idea what the hell just happened (not like that was unusual, but still). This kid just came out of the shadows, almost killed Percy and the he disappeared. And Percy took it so calmly, almost like it was normal! What the actual fuck just happened?! And then Percy just dragged Thor to his room and they came back after a while, and I have no idea what they did there (and I'm not sure if I want to) because I didn't put any cameras to Percy's room. Maybe I should.

-- Percy's P.O.V --

"Care to tell us what just happened, Percy?" Natasha asked, glaring at me.

"Yeah, I would like to know that too", said Tony

"Nothing, that was my cousin, he, uh... He can hack into anywhere.. Yeah. And he likes to always appear and disappear really dramatically.." I tried to explain, and I could see that they didn't believe it, but before they had time to ask any other questions, I yelled:  "But anyways, it's getting rather late, night!" and quickly ran to my room and closed the door.
(I don't what happened here, but it seems that I accidentally made the whole day dissapear, but just try to go with it, okay?)


I was running faster that ever. I was in Tartarus again, but it was different this time. I didn't even know what I was running from, I just knew that if I wanted to survive, I had to run.

I saw the doors of death far away, but even though I was running, I wasn't getting any closer to them. It was awfully quiet, all I could hear was my running footsteps and beating heart.

I stopped, when I heard someone shouting my name. Way too familiar voice. Annabeth. I turned around, and tried to find where the shout came from. Suddenly I was surrounded by darkness, I couldn't see anything, but black, cold darkness.

In front of me appeared a dim light, that grew bigger, until it casted light everywhere to the sell I was now. I was standing in the end of the room, and Annabeth was in the other end, tied and bloody, silently crying. I tried to call her name, but there was no sound coming out of my mouth. I tried to run over her, but I wasn't able to move. All I could do was to watch Tartarus coming closer to her, and starting to whip her.

When she lost consciousness, Tartarus made his way to me, smirking. "Is something wrong, Perseus? You could have taken her punishment, you know? All you had to do is just ask. But then again, why would you care? She's dead anyway, no matter how you look at it." The he kicked me in the chest. Hard. "There goes a rib", I thought, but didn't make a sound. He started to whip me, until I just couldn't take it anymore. I screamed.

End of nightmare

-- Steve's P.O.V --

I woke up in the middle of the night when I heard an ear piercing scream. I scrambled out of my bed, and ran out of my door, just to see the others (minus Thor, who didn't wake up) looking just as confused as myself. Soon we noticed that everyone else was there except Percy, so we ran to his room, where we found him trashing in his bed, covered in blood and sweat. We were all frozen in place, until he screamed again, and Natasha stumbled over his bed and tried to shake him awake. When he didn't wake up, Tony got a bucket of cold water and dumbed it on Percy, who shot up shaking, eyes wandering around like an captured animal.

Bruce tried to get closer to examine his wounds, but Percy scrambled away from him, wincing.
"Percy, what happened?" he asked, but Percy just stumbled out of his bed, almost falling, but when Bruce tried to help him he just waved him away, and limbed to the bathroom, and sat under the shower after turning it on.

I didn't know why he did that, until he's wounds started to heal slowly. For a while it was completely quiet, except for the sound of water hitting the floor.

"Holy... How do you do that? That's awesome!" Tony almost screamed after he got over his shock.

Percy just looked at him tiredly, and said: "I'll tell you later, okay?"
Natasha seemed to pick up the hint, and shooed all of us out of the bathroom.
Just when we gathered around the living room, Thor came in yawning, still in his mjölnir-pyjamas. "Did I miss something?"

A/N This took so long, I'm so sorry ;-; I feel terrible right now.. I actually started writing this on time and I knew what I wanted to happen, but I just didn't know how to write it, so I left it be for a while, and then I was sick for almost two weeks and I had stuff going on and.. Yeah...
And I know this is kinda short, but I just wanted to post it already. I'm leaving to London tomorrow, so I will probably write something in the plane.


Peace Out

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