Messaging Mixup

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*•.Requested by Ender1027 ! Sorry for the LOOOONG wait! I suck at time management.•*

"Felix, I can't ask her out," Toris responded sadly to his best friend, Felix. Felix sat on Toris' bed, as he ate from a box of cookies. "Toris, you can totally ask her! She, like, obviously loves you back." Toris hung his head low as he looked at his cellphone, admiring a photo of him and you at a cafe with Felix last night. Felix had taken the picture when he accidentally spilled ice tea on Toris' shirt so that you could instinctively help clean up his chest. It wasn't the most romantic of pictures--or situations-- but it still was filled with lots of memories.

Felix bit into a chocolate chip cookie before he said, "see, she must have cared for you if she took the time to clean you up." Then Felix smirked and leaned closer to Toris to ask, "by the way, how did it feel to have her touch your chest? I, like, totally saw you blushing a mad red." Toris turned red as he recalled you feeling his chest after using the napkins to see if it was still wet. "Qu-quiet Felix," Toris stuttered embarrassedly, "I just- I mean." Felix nudged Toris' arm while laughing hysterically. "You are so adorable, Toris~ Now I know why _____ is so interested," he teased as he ate the cookie.

Toris put his phone down for a second to sigh and run a hand through his long hair. "What am I going to do," he whispered hopelessly. Felix looked at Toris' phone then got an idea. Quickly snatching the phone he goes to Toris' text messages and finds _____'s name. Looking up for a second he asks, "hey, Toris, are you free tonight?" Toris nods and sighs a "yea". Felix then texts to you "_____, I need to see you. I can't hide it anymore. Can I come over at 7?"

Felix then does not even have to wait more than two seconds before Toris' cellphone chimes at getting a new text from you. Toris quickly looks up and sees Felix with his phone and panics. "Felix! What did you send her?" he asks in a rush, grabbing his phone back from his so called best friend. Felix shrugged then said, "oh nothing bad. Just that now you have plans at ____'s house at 7." Toris looked like he was about to faint as he reread what Felix sent you. "I can't hide it anymore? It makes me sound like I'm going to turn into a werewolf or something," Toris panicked.

Felix took back Toris' phone and read aloud your reply, "she says sure, is everything alright? I'll reply for you." Toris nearly leaped onto Felix but he was too late. Felix had the speed of a cheetah when texting so the message was already sent. "What did you say?" asked Toris with worry. Felix showed Toris his phone screen that read:

I'm fine, I just NEED to see you

Toris' face went red with embarrassment as he buried  his face in his hands. "Now it sounds like I'm desperate and needy," Toris cried. Felix pat his back as he shrugged, "well, you are,like, totally desperate and needy. Just get ready, it's 6:20 already." Toris looked at the clock then panicked again. "What do I wear? I-I can't show up at her house looking like this," Toris said as he motioned towards his jeans and a simple t-shirt. Felix stood up as well then walked over to Toris' closet. "Don't worry, my friend. I totally got you covered."

[Time Skip to Your House]

Toris stood at your door steps in khaki dress pants and a button up white dress shirt, with a tie. Adjusting his tie nervously, Toris rang your doorbell. As he stood there, body frozen with anxiety, he heard your voice and footsteps from inside the house. "Hold up, I'm coming," you said before you opened the door. When the door opened you looked at Toris with shock. He was so nicely dressed that you felt a bit out of place with just your jeans and a hoodie on.

Toris looked at your for a second before he looked down, blushing. "Um, h-hello, ______," he said nervously. You smiled and motioned him inside, "come on in! I got some tea in the kitchen if you want it." Toris stepped into your house and took off his shoes near the door. "Oh, thank you, tea sounds great!" Toris said kindly as you closed the front door to get the tea ready. He looked at your house and admired how nice it was. He's been here many times, since you two were close friends, but it always made him nervous ever since he started liking you in a romantic way. Which was actually ever since you two met, but whatever.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2016 ⏰

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