Chapter One: New Beginning

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"What the hell, Scott? That hurt," I yell. He frowns, "I'm sorry Steph, but it will save your life." "Hopefully," Stiles says out loud. Scott glares at him. Stiles leaves the room, and Malia follows him. "Scott," I whisper looking at the vanishing wounds. He smiles, but I look at him terrified, "Am I going to be like you, Bubba?" Scott pulls me into a huge hug, "Yes, sis. I can finally be close to you again." I realize that the reason I lost my bestfriend is someone thrusted the supernatural upon him, and I become upset. I growl, and Scott backs away as his pack runs in. I rip the tubes and wires off me, and mom comes barreling in out of breath. "Scott, what happened? I thought you said she would be fine," mom asks him as she looks scared of me. I am ashamed of myself and look around the room. I see my first story window is conveniently open and make a break for it. I run as fast as I can which is so much faster than I used to be. I run to my special place in the woods that I've become attached to since Scott pushed me away.

I stop, and I can't control my outburst this time. I howl with all my anger and frustration. My vision is blurry through my glasses, so I break them and throw them away from me. I punch a nearby tree, and splinters fly. I rip a branch off and beat the tree like a piñata until the branch snaps. I growl and collapse to my knees, and relief washes over me. I take a deep breath and just sit there. I hear a twig snap, and I jump to my feet, "Who's there?" A chuckle is given in response, "I'm pretty sure it isn't smart to be alone in the woods." I roll my eyes, "I'm pretty sure you know I can still kick your ass, Theo." "Are you really sure, Annie," he asks. I laugh, "I know you just saw what I did to that tree, Theodore." He growls, and I find myself against a tree, "Don't call me that." I growl and throw him off me, "Then don't call me Annie. Just because you are friends with my brother again doesn't mean I'm going to forgive you too." I start to walk away, but Scott is standing there looking at the tree that I "broke". Kira states, "I think we're going to have to train her like Liam." Scott nods, "They both have IED, so it would make sense." I clear my throat, "I am right here, so thank you for speaking about me as though I am not." Scott looks at me with sadness evident, and I soften, "Bubba, can you take me home please?" He smiles and says, "Of course, lil sis." We walk to his dirt bike, and he hands me his second helmet. "You want to drive," he asks throwing me the keys. I look at him astonished, and he says, "Kira will take me home." I frown but recover, "Yea. Sure, I'll see you at home, Scott." Scott is thrown off by his name, but he hugs me, so I hop on the bike. I drive home all by myself which is okay, I'm used to it. I'm used to being alone.

I get home and turn the dirt bike off, but I take my helmet off and just sit on the bike. "I don't know what to do, dad," I say staring at the sky.

It was when I was seventh birthday when my dad was hit by a drunk driver on his way to my party. He called me that morning, "Happy birthday, princess." I squealed, "Thanks, dad." He explained that he had to pick up my present then I would see him at the party. I was in the dress that mom bought me to wear, and Scott pretended to play the trumpet and announced, "Here is Stephanie," as I walked into our backyard. I laughed, and I saw Theo. "Annie," he ran to me giving me a big hug. "Theo, I thought you couldn't come," I say hugging him back. He laughed, "And miss one of my bestest friends' birthday. Nuh uh." I smiled really big, so anyone could see my missing tooth, and mom called for me. I ran to her smiling, but she wasn't smiling. "Mommy, why are you crying," I asked, and mom hugged me. She whispered, "Sweetie, your dad can't make it." I started to cry, "But he promised. Scott's dad makes it to his birthdays. Dad promised. He promised." She cried harder, "I know, but he went to a better place trying to keep his promise." I scream out, "Noooo. My dad is dead. It's my fault because I made him promise." Scott came running with Theo as saw me crying. I grabbed a jar and threw it across the room causing it to shatter. I dropped to the floor feeling better, and I felt two sets of arms wrap around me. Scott asked, "What happened, Steph?" I simply said, "I killed my dad."

I come back to here and now when someone shakes me. I see a boy from my grade standing directly in front of me, "Sorry, I just drifted into thought." He smiles, "I'm Mason, and that is Liam." I turn to see another boy in my grade, "Hey, you guys probably know who I am because Scott probably sent someone to babysit the new wolf." Liam laughs a little, "Yea, that, and we have 5 classes together." I smile, "That too. I'm just not used to people noticing me in their classes." I get off the bike, and Mason says, "Well, I think that is going to change." I shake my head, "I highly doubt that, but I'm going inside. Wanna join? I have Call of Duty and 4 controllers." They both say yes in unison, and I laugh walking to the door. I unlock the door and go into the kitchen. "Do you guys want anything to drink," I yell to the living room. "Water, please and thank you," Liam says, and Mason says, "Same." I grab three waterbottles and go plop on the couch. I toss them their water. Liam catches his gracefully, but Mason's hits his chest with a thud. I giggle but stop it, "My bad," as I turn on the game. We all start great, having fun and everything. We play a few games with all three of us, but Mason eventually quits because Liam's and my reflexes are unfair. He dozes off while Liam and I play more, but eventually I pass out too at God knows when, but I know it had to be late. I think I actually made friends for the first time in a long time.

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