"You should fight for him more like you did in the past Usagi-chan," Makoto adds with hesitation in her voice.

"Sometimes it is just too much. It hurts too much. It shouldn't be this hard," said Usagi as her voice grows softer.

It is clear to Makoto she didn't want to talk about Mamoru anymore. "How is Seiya?"

"He's fine but it seems like the news is after him because he saved me that one time," said Usagi. "Everyone keeps on wanting to know who I am for some reason."

"Well it's not every day a celebrity risks their life to save someone," Makoto comments when they enter the cross walk.

"He told me that he was going to protect me and that is what he was doing. It's not like I need someone with me all the time," Usagi said right as she came in the path of bicyclist trying to cut through the pedestrians in the cross walk. The bicyclist misjudged the distance and almost knocks Usagi over as he flew by on his bicycle.

Makoto stares at Usagi with her mouth hanging open.

Usagi laughs nervously as she places a hand behind her head.

The girls walk in silence as Makoto thinks about something Usagi had said that it shouldn't be this hard with Mamoru. Makoto couldn't help but wonder if Seiya had something to do with it. There is no way Usagi didn't know how Seiya feels about her. But she is destined to be with Mamoru...isn't she?


The two girls arrive at shrine steps and are about to ascend the steps when they see Haruka and Setsuna climbing down the steps. "Haruka-san! Setsuna-san!" Makoto exclaims in surprised.

Haruka smiled seeing Usagi with Makoto. She hasn't see Usagi in a couple days. "Michiru is doing well... but she hasn't awakened yet." She quickly answered since she knew they were going to ask. "Hotaru-chan is the same at Michiru."

"Even though there hasn't been an attack in the past few days we must keep our guard. The new senshi will not give up until they find what they are searching for," Setsuna frowns. "I wish there was something we could do to speed up their memories but anything we have tried with Michiru-san has been unsuccessful."

"Is there anything we can do? I mean Luna helped us in the past." Makoto asks taking a few steps forward. She feels like she hadn't been able to contribute much since she awakened a few days prior.

"Luna can't help." Usagi adds without hesitation. "This is different."

"All we can do is keep an eye on everyone. We know they will be targeted at some time but we do not know when. I don't understand why they want everyone's starseeds," Setsuna as she places her hand under her chin while she thinks. "I know we have to stop them but we need the others to awaken." She pauses before she continues because she knows Haruka isn't going to like what she was about to say and she is surprised she was even saying it herself, "we are fortunate to have the Sailor Starlights with us during this crisis."

Haruka rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything. She hates when Setsuna is right. Despite everything that had happened they are still from another solar system. She did not want them to influence Usagi anymore than they already have. Haruka changes the subject from the Starlights by asking Usagi, "how is Mamoru-san?"

"Nothing has changed..." Usagi's eyes are downcast.

"But we found a rose at the end of the battle the other day," Makoto chimes in. "Mamoru-san was there but he didn't seem to know where the rose came from."

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