"It's magnificent isn't it" his heavily accented voice says through the silence.

"Unbelievably" I say taking my attention away from the leaves and onto him.

"It's crazy how this is all right in your backyard, my backyard is.." I trail off "it was.."

"Jenna I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have taken you here, I should have just let you read it was stupid" he says sliding his hands up and down my arms when he notices tears forming in my eyes.

"Don't apologize Harry it's wonderful, it's just I can't believe it's gone, my home is gone and we don't even know how the fire started." I shed a couple tears.

"It was probably just something electrical Jen, don't cry just be happy that you and your mum weren't there when it happened" he says pulling me into a hug.

"I'm a mess" I say will a laugh as he loosens me from his hug and I wipe under my eyes, catching the previously fallen tear drops.

He laughs with me before handing me my hot chocolate and walking with my through the colourful trail.

We found a grassy area underneath a bunch of trees and laid down, Harry brought some blankets so we wouldn't be too cold.

"So where is your dad" I blurt and instantly feel terrible.

"You don't have to tell me I was just curious" I say hoping to cover my rudeness.

"I don't really know him" Harry says.

"He left me and my mum when I was a newborn, no explanation he just packed his bags and left"

I feel horrible for Harry, I know my dad was often away but at least I had a childhood with him, I got to have the experience of having a father and Harry was deprived that.

"I'm sorry" is all I can say.

"It's fine, my mum said he was going threw stuff at the time, depression and stuff though I don't think that's any excuse to leave your family and I'm not justifying his behaviour but I guess I just don't know what I'm missing because me and Gemma never had him around you know."

"Yeah" I say, "where's Gemma now?" I ask hoping I haven't pried to much.

"It's complicated" he says a little harsher then I think he expected.

"Sorry I'll drop it" I say hoping I didn't bring up any bad memories between him and his sister, he seemed defensive about her.

"It's fine I'm sorry" he says.

Conversation gets lighter and we end up spending 3 hours laying and talking and even extending our walk to a gorgeous field of flowers jut a little further down the path. It was nice to have his company.

By the time we got back it was dinner time and my mother had cooked a turkey dinner to thank Anne and Harry for having us. She taught Anne how to make the meal and she was clueless the entire time, soaking up every bit of knowledge. Obviously she wasn't much of a cook like my mother.

Once dinner was over Harry washed the dishes and I dried and our mothers went up to bed at only 8:30.

"My mum always go to bed ridiculously early" Harry laughed handing me a dish.

"Same she claims its her cooking classes that make her so tired and not that she's just getting older and needs more sleep" I say placing the newly dried dish in the cupboard.

When we finished we turned the kitchen light off and put on some Netflix.

It was uncomfortable because Harry kept trying to lean in during the movie but I kept my distance. He knows I'm not ready for anything more then friends and little acts like that are crossing the line.

"You want a sandwich or something" he asks and I nod.

Harry gets up and comes back five minutes later with two baloney sandwiches. I hate baloney.

I take a bite not trying to be rude "it's good" I smile and Harry giggles.

"What" I say putting the remaining sandwich on the table and he does the same.

"It's cute when you do that" he says and my face goes red, he's crossing the line again and I feel uncomfortable.

"When I do what"

"Scrunch your nose when you lie"

"I do not!" I defend myself and pull the blanket that's covering the two of us up to attempt to hide my face.

"Yeah you do, and you fake a smile and everything cause you care about my feelings too much" he says.

"I do not!" I say again.

"You do too! Just admit it, you care about my feelings"

"You care about me" he pushes and leans in.

It takes everything I have to try to stay away from him.

"I.. I don't" I say slowly and my lips part and my breathing gets heavier.

Harry is staring at me with those eyes, wild and sexy eyes as he bites his lower lip before glancing at mine and then back up to me.

He is so close to me at this point and I know I need to stop, this won't work I'm just going to get hurt, we've finally reached a good stage as friends and a kiss will make things different between us and I just can't.

He's so weird in the sense that one minute he's doing nice things for me and being a great friend and the next he's coming onto me and seducing me with his lip biting.

"I do not" I say one last time as I stare at this man infront of me, this sweet and kind hearted man who I've grown close too, I feel his heavy breath on me and I just need to.. Well I don't know but I don't care anymore, it feels right. I grab the back of his shirt to pull him closer to me as our lips crash and I lay down.

His tongue swipes across mine in unison and he parts my legs with his knee and he pushes his lower half closer to me. His hands are now on my lower back and traveling up as he kisses my neck.

His lips are so soft and gentil yet rough at the same time. Our breathing becomes heavier and I lift his shirt off of his back exposing his toned muscles and beautiful tattoos.

He cups by boob and pushes and he presses my lower back lightly with his hand bringing me closer to him.

Thee way things are going with Harry who know what'll happen and I'm damn ok with that. He seems experienced, like he knows what he's doing and I push the thought of him being with other girls out so I can enjoy the moment.

He slides his hand down my pants and I'm shocked but I don't stop him. He begins pumping his fingers in and out of me and I let out a slight moan at his touch, he responds by moaning as well and kissing my neck as he continues pleasuring me under the blanket.

I hear an unlock of the door and so does Harry and we stop and turn our heads to the door. Before we can sit up the door is open and my dad looks over at us wide eyed seeing Harry laying on top of me the way that he is.

"Jenna my god" are the only words he can form.

I AM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING! I've had school starting up and life's been busy and I'm sorry I know that's not a good excuse! Anyways I hope you liked the chapter, Harry and Jenna getting a little frisky(; let me know how you feel about everything by leaving a comment?
Thank you if your still continuing to read this book

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