Chapter 2

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I glanced at the table I was at and decided to check my email.

This was a huge mistake. I rolled my eyes yet again while reading the edited paper. I didn't realize my paper was this bad. Where has my head been?! To let all these mistakes in! I looked up at him and wondered what he was thinking. Jacky sat there so still faced I couldn't figure him out. Typically I just looked at a person and knew if they were playing me or not, but he was so still-faced I couldn't even tell if he was happy or sad. He really is pissing me off with that face. "You changed everything." I stated, putting the paper down. "You needed it." he said. His face blank as ever. "This is plagiarism!" I said loud enough the few people in the cafe looked over. "Just put me as a source and you'll be fine." he said looking around at the others. They all looked away. I bet people think he's cute just because he's British. Every girl falling on their knees. Well that bull shit isn't going to fly for me! ... But his eyes are a pretty blue; light and clear. His tattoos are kinda hot... NO! Isabelle you can not think about him like that! He's the jackass who hates how you write. "Why do you keep looking at me?" Jacky asked. "I am not looking at you!" I said, my cheeks flushing. "How long does it take for your professor to grade your work?" He asked after a very awkward pause. "Not long typically." I answered, my hand twitching. "Turn it in. Lets see what they give you." he said. He took my laptop and did it anyway. Maybe my hand is twitching because he makes me want to smack him.

"I'll email you once he grades it." I told him. I tried to pack up my laptop but he stopped me. "No it's okay. I have a free day today." He placed the laptop closer to him. Almost as if he wanted to know the grade more than I did. Did he even go to school? "What if I have plans?" I asked, somewhat smug. "Do you?" he countered. Man this guy is a pain in the ass. I slowly sat back down. He just kept staring at me. "Why do you keep looking at me?" I asked mockingly. Answer that Mr. Smuggly. "You have nice eyes." he answered honestly. Is he really this simple? Who just says that when they first meet someone? "They're a nice shade of green. Reminds me of the grass back home." he continued. My breath caught and I almost choked on my cup of coffee. This just made the other's look at us again. Some began to stand up, I waved them off. "Are you alright?" He asked after my coughing fit stopped. "You don't just say something like that!" I said holding my chest. "Is that not what people do in the States? In England we don't hide what we think." Before I could respond my email went off. The smug look on his face returned. "Don't even say it." I commanded. He just smiled and shook his head. "I won't say it if you say sorry, and that you admit that I know what I'm doing when it comes to writing." He smiled and leaned his chair back so far the front two legs came off the ground. "I'll never say it." I said putting my bag over my shoulder. "Then let me take you out to celebrate your good grade." He smiled at himself, almost proud but all the way there.

"Text me where you end up going. I can't have you kidnapped and shipped back to the mother country." Jennifer said pulling my hair up into a high pony tail. I nodded, which messed her up. "Keep still!" She told me for about the tenth time. I couldn't help but move. I was so nervous I couldn't help but move some part of my body. I had to release some of this energy. "It's just a date." Jennifer said rolling her eyes. "I know but he just bothers me so much! UGH!" I said out of frustration. "But he bothers you in all the right places!" she laughed at me. "That's what bothers me!" I practically yelled at her. She just laughed and pulled out her blood red dress, and black, heeled combat boots. I typically never wore anything like this but I felt like I had to put a fire under his ass. If he was gonna be a Mr.Smuggly then I'm gonna be a Ms. Hottie. Oh God why am I acting like this? My heart skipped a beat when I heard the ring tone I set for him go off. I am aware that I am an asshole! I really don't care about all of that though.

"This is a nice place." Jacky said as the waitress bought out chips and salsa. "Mexican is my favorite." I said smiling at the chips. His eyebrows drew in the middle but he didn't say anything. "Do you have Mexican food in England?" I asked stirring the salsa around. "Yes!" he said laughing. My eyes got big. His laugh was so light and sweet. I never expected that sound to come out of him. He stopped once he realized I was looking at him. I just smiled and ordered my food once the waitress came back. Her eyes never left Jacky's face, even when I was talking to her. I looked around the restaurant and noticed every girl was looking at him. Even the one's on dates, even the married ones with their kids. "Why is every girl looking at you?" I asked, raising my eyebrows. "It's my good looks. Duh." he said flipping his hair over a shoulder. I didn't even know guys flipped their hair! "That is not why they keep looking!" I said placing my drink down a little too hard. "Lets ask someone then, get an honest opinion." he said smirking.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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