Chapter Fourteen

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Guys omg this story is almost at 1,000 reads !!! That's truly amazing, thank you guys so much ! Anyways, I'm glad ya'll are enjoying the story, thanks again for everything (:

Lauren xx

Harry POV

Tonight was going so well, and then I fucked it all up. Fucking shit Harry!

It was Nick. Seeing him just sort of, blind sided me. I hadn't seen him in years, and running into him at a restaurant took me by surprise.

I should've just explained it all to Louis'. Why didn't I?! Louis would find out about my shitty past with Nick sooner or later.

I had neglected him the rest of the evening, and now he hates me. I deserve all of this. I deserve for Louis to have reacted the way he did.


Louis POV

I wake up the next morning, feeling like absolute shit. And then, it all hits me.

Last night was one of the worst nights of my life, which is unfortunate considering how great it was starting off.

It's Sunday morning, and I have work tomorrow, so I'm going to take advantage of my last free day of the week.

I walk into Kaster's room, and see that she is sleeping soundly. I smile to myself, and then walk towards her to press a kiss to her forehead.

I make my way to the kitchen, and think that it would be nice to surprise Kaster with pancakes.  I turn on the oven, and then get out the flour, sugar, eggs, milk to mix into a large bowl. I sprinkle some chocolate chips into the batter, just for an extra something.

The pancakes are finished, and Kaster is still sleeping. I quietly make my way to her bed, and lean down to tickle all over her. "Wake up princess! We have a busy day ahead of us!" I say in between the kisses I give on her cheeks. 

"Da-dee! Tickles!" She laughs.

I scoop her up, and she rests her head on my shoulder. "Da-dee?" She whispers into my shoulder.

"Yes Kaster master?"

"I lobe you," she says, just before grabbing my face so she could press a kiss on my cheek.

"I love you too princess, more than you could ever imagine," I smile back.

Kaster has told me many times how much she loves me, but every time I hear it, I react the same way I did the first time she said those words.

I set her down in her chair at the table, and bring over the pancakes.

"Ancakes!" She shouts as soon as I set a plate down in front of her.

"That's right baby girl! Let's get eating so that we can start our busy day!" I say while pouring myself a glass of orange juice.

We sit at the table eating our breakfast for ten minutes, and then go to Kaster's room to pick out an outfit. She decides on a pink shirt with a puffy jacket over top, and a pair of black pants. For shoes, she's a pair of black vans, which match mine. I hand her a pair of gloves and a hat, having planned in my mind what we are doing today.

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