Chapter Nine

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Hey guys!! I was really disappointed with how I ended the last chapter, so I made a little change. (Only with the last paragraph, but I recommend you to read it because the start of this chapter might be confusing)

Anyways, thank you so much, again !! Can't thank you enough (: lauren x

Louis POV

Even though Harry kissed me, I'm still doubting the fact he reciprocates the feelings I have towards him.

I'm sat at my kitchen table, just thinking about tonight, and how lovely it was. The last time I went out with someone feels like a lifetime ago. It's hard to do when you've got a daughter.

I continue my thinking, while heading to my bathroom to brush my teeth. 

Even if Harry likes me, I wouldn't be able to have a relationship with him, no matter how much I like him. There are only two outcomes to a relationship: Marriage, or Break up, and the chances of me marrying Harry aren't likely.

Sure, our relationship could be fun, but having a daughter means I have to look for someone who could potentially become the father of Kaster.

I'm sure Harry would be a great father, someday. But, the problem is, he's too young. Not to mention the fact he's constantly traveling for his job.

My thoughts are interrupted by a loud pounding on my front door. I spit out my toothpaste, and walk out of the bathroom towards the front door. I'm honestly afraid to answer, what could someone want this late at night?

I decide to grow a pair, and answer the door. I don't have any time to process that Harry is standing in front of me, because before I know it, a familiar pair of lips, once again, are attached to mine. Only this time, everything is rushed.

I don't kiss back, and instead push him off. I really do like Harry, but I have no clue what his angle is.

"Harry, what are you doing...?"

"Oh god, I'm sorry! I'm so so so so sorry, I s-should get going," but before he has enough time to turn around, I grab his arm and attach our lips.

They mold together perfectly, and move in a perfect sync with one another. I feel Harry's tongue tracing the outline of my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I gladly open my mouth, and let our tongues battle together for dominance. I quickly give in, allowing him to discover every inch of my mouth.

Everything is happening so quickly, I haven't even realized that Harry has started to push us inside of my flat. I shut the front door with my foot once we are both inside, while still keeping our lips in tact. The next thing I know, my back is being shoved against the nearest wall, and Harry's hands are running all over my body. I reach up towards his neck, and wrap my arms around it. I start to grab at the curls near his neck, and a small moan escapes his throat. This earns a smile from me. I tug a little harder on his hair, only to have his moan again into my throat.

We finally separate, and rest our foreheads against one another's. The room is completely silent, except for our heavy panting. Once I've regained my strength, I look at him in the eyes, "You are literally sex on legs, Harold."

He lets out a small chuckle, "Nothing compared to you. You have a mighty fine ass," he says, giving my bum a little squeeze at the end.

I give his cheek a small slap, "Oi! I don't appreciate people using me for my ass!" I say, with a wink at the end.

"Lou, all jokes aside, you are the most beautiful human being I have ever met eyes with. If you can't see that, then I don't know what to do. I have to earn some sort of metal for waiting this long to make a move."

I smile at his words. I've always had a low self esteem, and I know his words aren't going to change that, but it's nice hearing him say it out loud.

"Harry, you don't know how many times I've wanted to pounce on top of you. It took me all the strength in the world to keep me hands to myself."

I start to walk inside of the flat, with Harry following close behind. "You want anything to drink? Eat?"

I mentally slap myself for asking that. Only I would change a conversation about how crazy I am for Harry, to talk about food.

Way to go Tommo.

"Uuuhhh, no, I'm good. Thanks though."

I'm not really sure what Harry has in mind by coming over. I've already gone farther with Harry than I have with anyone since I've become Kaster's father. I don't want Harry to get his hopes up for sex, if that's even what he wants. I'm not sure if I'm leading him on by inviting him into my house, or not. I should probably set it all straight ...

I lead him over to the sofa, and start off by saying, "Listen Harry, I really like you, a lot. I don't know what you were looking for by coming over tonight, but I don't want to get your hopes up. I am a 22 year old father, trying my best to raise a kid. I haven't gone out with anyone in the two years I have raised Kaster. I don't mean for this to sound like I'm asking too much of you, because I'm not asking anything from you. I'm just trying to let you know the reason I can't do this, isn't because I don't like you, but because I have to put my child first. God, I probably sound like an idiot. I don't even know where I'm going with this anymore." I look down at my lap. I'm sure Harry isn't going to spend any more time with me, now that he knows he's getting nothing from me.

Why do I assume that's what he even wants? I sound like a complete dick!

"Louis, I genuinely like you. I didn't come over to try to have sex with you because I was due. I came over because I couldn't fall asleep until I got my feelings for you off of my chest. I'm not at all like they portray me in the magazines, if you've read any of them. I'd like to consider myself mature for my age, because I've been told so by many people.

Look, I totally understand that you have to put your daughter first. I'd be conserved if you weren't. I'm not asking for a relationship with you, because I get that you can't do that in front of Kaster. But just, please don't loose touch with me? You're the first thing on my mind when I wake up, and the last thing on my mind before I go to sleep. I know we've just met, and I must sound stupid for expecting you to allow me into your life.  But, I'd really appreciate it if you wouldn't give up on me? I know you feel what I'm feeling too." He finishes off, giving me his cheeky dimpled smile after saying his last sentence.

I can't really decide what to say after all of that. It's a lot to take in, the fact that Harry actually likes me. So I do the on thing I can think of doing.

I pounce on top of him, straddle his lap, and attach our lips together.


Omigod, this wasn't even smut, and I can't write it for shit ... Ahahahahah. If anyone wants to volunteer to help me write 'that kind of stuff ' please message me, hahaha. Anyways, thanks so much for all the reads ! Means everything! (Btw: I haven't edited this yet, because I just wanted to get it uploaded, so I apologize if you read this before I'm editing)

MUCH LOVE !!! Lauren (:

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