Chapter Seven

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Holy. Crap. I am at 200 reads !! Thank you thank you thank you !! Truly means the world !! Lauren (: x
Harry POV

I didn't know what to expect when I knocked on Louis' door. I didn't really stress to him that I was hoping this would classify as a date. Then again, I'm not even sure if he's single.

When I first met him in the grocery store, he was with a child. Sure, it could've been his younger sister, but the way he acted around her made it pretty obvious she was his. I don't know what his situation is, but he wasn't wearing a ring, so I'm sure he's not married. That doesn't mean he's not still in the relationship with Kaster's mom. Therefore, I have to keep this date friendly, until he mentions anything of him being single that is.

Everything that I was thinking of is erased out of my brain the minute he opens the door. Holy. Fuck. He's only wearing a t-shirt with skinny jeans, which I should add makes his ass look amazing. He looks hot as hell.

It's going to be a lot harder to act like friends than I thought it would be.

"Curly! How are you this evening?" Louis asks me. God, he's so perfect! His accent is so sweet, but it has got sort of a sexy tone to it. I'm not sure how to describe it, but it's perfect. He's perfect.

"I'm well, thanks for asking." I reply back, motioning for him to follow me towards my car.

During the car ride to the restaurant, not much was said. We had small conversations, but then it would go back to being silent. Not an awkward silence though. "So, where are we going?" Louis asks, turning his attention towards me, "It's a surprise!" I can hear Louis laugh to himself, "You can't possibly be serious! It's not like we are two high schoolers going out on their first date together!" Louis laughs again, but I start to blush, "No! It just makes it more fun if it's a surprise," I say back, trying to play it off as if I wasn't blushing because of the fact Louis just compared this to a high school date.

We have just arrived to the restaurant, and I made sure we enter through the back entrance. The restaurant isn't too fancy, but it's one of my favorites. Italian, what's better?

We walk up to a woman standing in front, and she asks, "Table for two?" I nod, and let Louis walk in front of me, following the woman to our booth.

A couple seconds after we are seated, another woman walks up to us, "Hello! My name is Emily, and I will be serving you both tonight! What drinks will you two be having tonight?" We both smile at her, and just order waters.

Just after ordering our meals, Louis suddenly speaks up "Are you sure I'm allowed to be out with you for dinner? If anybody notices, and word gets out, I don't want to lower your self image." He asks, with a wink at the end. I am taken back by his words. First of all, I didn't even realize he was aware of my career. Second of all, how could he think that he could possibly ruin my 'image'? He's perfect!

"You k-know? I-I didn't realize you knew w-who I am." I stutter out like a mad man. Louis looks at me in confusion, probably wondering why I'm acting so nervous, but he doesn't mention it and just says, "No, not at first. I just thought you were a normal, cheeky lad! Which you still are, of course. But it wasn't until I was out at the grocery store another time and saw your name on the cover of a magazine, and then I put together that you aren't just a normal 20 year old."

"Oh god, which story were they running that time?" I ask, praying it wasn't an article explaining to the world how I'm a womanizer. I don't want to make that kind of impression on Louis.

"Nothing bad! Just talking about you and your girlfriend." He says, his tone sounding almost upset? Is he jealous about the fact that I'm in a 'relationship' with Kendall? Well, I can clear that right up, "I'm not dating Kendall Jenner, if that's what the magazine said," I say, letting out a small chuckle. Louis face looks as though he's relaxing, is he happy?

Dammit Harry! You're only imagining these things, he only agreed to this because he thought it was as friends. Friends. And nothing more.

"Oh, well I'm sorry I believed it. I guess I should know by now that everything put in those magazines are nothing but bullshit."

We continue on with small talk, until being interrupted when our food arrives. Louis had ordered a Chicken Alfredo, while I ordered a three cheese Mac-and-Chicken.

It wasn't the smartest idea on my part to go out for pasta on a first dinner outing with Louis, because it could get messy. Hopefully, I won't make a fool out of myself by getting pasta sauce on my face.

"Oh my god! This is the best Alfredo I've ever had!" Louis says, sounding extremely adorable as he does so. "I'm glad you like it! This place is one of my favorites..." I say, trying to hide the small blush that is appearing on my face. I was nervous about him not enjoying my choice of outing.

"So, Louis. I'd like to assume that we are friends, but we don't know anything about each other! Tell me about you! Anything really." He smiles at me, and then replies, "Well, I received a teaching degree at uni, and work at a preschool, as I've mentioned before. I'm not sure if you have put this together yet, but the little girl that was at the grocery store with me the fist time we met, Kaster, she's mine. Only two years old, but I swear at times she's smarter than me. I love her so much, she's my whole world."

I can't help the smile smile appear on my face as he talks, the way he speaks so highly about his daughter makes him that much more likable. Does this man have any flaws? "I can tell just by the way you speak about her how much she means to you. That's incredible! You're doing an amazing job of raising her by what I can tell. I'm sorry if this is too personal, but does her mother help out at all? You haven't spoken about her, so I can only assume....."

Louis looks down at his lap, and I can tell that this is a topic he doesn't feel comfortable talking about. "I'm sorry, I didn't realize-" "No, it's not that. It's just, I haven't had to talk to anyone about it in a while, and I don't really know how to start." He says, and I can tell this is really hard on him. I'm really curious as to what he has to share, but I don't want to push him to explain something he's not ready to. "I understand if it's not something you want to talk about."

He looks up at me and gives me a side smile, "I'm gonna have to explain sooner or later, might as well get it over with. So, I guess I just have to explain from the start?

I was best mates with this lad named Stan. We did everything together, ever since we were six. One night, while we were in uni, we went out and he got smashed, and ended up getting this girl pregnant. She told him that she could handle it, but as soon as she had her baby, Kaster, she couldn't do it. She ran away as soon as she got the chance, and we haven't heard of her since.

Stan raised Kaster, and I was always there to help whenever he needed me. He asked me to become her godfather, so I signed some papers saying that if anything happened to Stan, I'd be Kaster's guardian. When she was only two-months-old, Stan was killed in a car accident. I've been her father ever since."

He looks up at me through teary eyes. "I don't know what to say.." I start, because honestly, I'm at a loss of words. "You don't have to say anything, if we are friends, like you said, we have to get to know each other. This is a big part of me that you deserve to know."

I smile at him, "Well, thank you for sharing. I'm sure it can't be easy saying it out loud."

I know I could be making the biggest mistake of my life, but I ignore all of those signs, and reach out slowly to grab Louis' hand. I look him in the eyes while doing so, to see if I can get any reaction from him. All he is doing is biting his lower lip, so I continue on until our hands finally touch.

I am immediately aware of the heat that is radiating off of my hand the second it touches Louis'. It's as if sparks were flying off of our hands just from the touch. I hope I'm not the only one out of the two of us that feels this connection.

Louis looks down at our entwined hands, and then looks up at my eyes, and gives me a smile.

"No, it's not easy saying out loud, but you make it a lot easier." 


Guys !!! Omg, I cannot stress how thankful I am for all of the reads, and comments! It truly makes my day. And btw: I think for the next chapter, I'm going to continue on with this date. I didn't want to have to squeeze it all into one chapter, if that makes sense ?? Lol, LOVE YOU ALL ! Lauren(: x

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