Chapter 65 || "He's gay not pregnant."

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"God, he's hot."

"What do you think he wants?" Chuck questioned, studying me curiously. I shrugged, licking my incredibly dry lips.

I was thirsty, but the only drink provided was the spiked punch, the punch that I had already had two glasses of.

I couldn't have another.

"I should probably go check on him."


"But I don't want to get up."

"Then don't."

"But he was crying."

"Then go."

"But what if he was just stoned?"

"I have no clue," Chuck yawned, rubbing tenderly at his temples "I'm too high for this."

"You're right," I sighed, ignoring his response and quickly standing up, letting my conscious decide "I should go help him."

"I never said-"

"Thank you, Chuck."

"You're welcome?"

I shot him a grateful smile as I quickly leapt from the couch, running out to find my un-identical twin. I assumed he would still be looking for me and I popped into the kitchen, running head first into a strong and muscular torso.

An extremely familiar, strong and muscular torso.


The figure drew away, their hazel eyes boring into mine in the same affectionate yet worrying way they always would- although this time his eyes held so much more than just affection. There was something else there.

Something serious.

"Hey, Pandora."

"Hey, Ashton... What are you doing here?"

"Oh, y'know." He sighed, wafting his hand about vaguely "Spying on my girlfriend."

"Oh, who's your- Wait a minute."


I scowled, crossing my arms firmly across my chest. I didn't like the idea of Ashton spying on me, even if it were to protect me. It just highlighted the fact that we didn't trust each other.

We didn't posses what a basic relationship needed to survive, and that scared me.

"I don't need you to babysit me."

"I'm not babysitting you," he retorted "I'm just making sure nothing bad happens again."

"Nothing bad happened last time." I pointed out, my eyes narrowed accusing "That was, until you arrived."

"I thought I was saving you!"

"You overreacted and you know it."

Ashton growled, his hazel eyes finally shifting to look me up and down, a small smile tugging at his tainted lips. I rose an eyebrow questioningly, tugging nervously at the waistband of my uncomfortably tight jeans.

I had grown to realise that I was more of a leggings type of person.

"You look nice." He complimented, toying affectionately with the ends of my flowing top.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."

I shot him an appreciative smile and he nodded back, sheepishly grinning from ear to ear. He had his hands tucked deeply into the depths of his pockets, his weight placed on his heels as he rocked back and forth. I could feel the tension growing between us, like a large balloon gradually filling with air.

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