The Angels

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A Damn Long Time Ago - Somewhere Deep in the Abyss

The abyss goes on forever. It's infinite in its entirety and extends along as far as one can imagine it to go. Not just demons roam the abyss though. Fiends, demons, lost souls. Anything that has nowhere else to go tends to wind up there. The only thing that doesn't come here are devils: They have their own home. It's not a really fun place in the abyss, when you think about it. It's siblings are Tartarus, The Nine Hells, the Elemental Plane of Shadows, etc. There are a lot of realms like the abyss, but in reality, there is only one abyss. Anyway. I'm that demon that just fell for a very long time. Yeah. That poor, sorry fellow that just so happened to wake up on the seven-hundred-and-eighty-fifth layer of the abyss. A way ways down.

This is my story:

As I walked along that barren wasteland, I couldn't help but imagine myself as a deity. I could barely remember my name at that point, and I could barely remember the spiritual form of my brethren deities. It made me feel an emotion that I didn't have the ability to feel whilst being a god. I felt sorrow for myself, and how great I used to be. I regretted what I had done, and I wished terribly that I could escape from this hell, and back to my perfect world in the out-lands.

As a deity of darkness, feelings such as love, happiness, wishful thinking, regret and emotions on that spectrum of humane feelings, were unable to be felt. This new life of mine was a great opportunity to experience those feelings. Even if some of them were for the most part, unpleasant.

But suddenly, in all of the darkness, I saw a light. Not a light from the lower planes, but a light from the heavens above. I stopped moving, and suddenly the light grew tremendously larger and flashed right before my eyes. I closed my eyes and looked away, for if I had stared it surely would have burned me. Heavenly lights tend to do that to demons, or any evil creature, for that matter.

As I opened my eyes, I sucked in a cool and dry breath. It was rare in the abyss, for the air was usually wet and hot on many of the planes. On some, such as the ice layers or desert lands, the air did become dry, and even cold. For the most part though, the Abyssal air was quite dismal to experience. The creature that glowed before me had cooled and drained the air of the surplus of moisture and heat. As I blinked over and over, the glow around the creature faded. I knew instantly what it was, and every instinct in my demonic body told me to attack it.

A heavenly angel stood before me. She was about five and-a-half feet tall, with long, billowing black hair that ran down to her lower back. It was perfectly straight, combed, and neat. Her eyes gleamed like shining blue diamonds, and the light enraged me. She was wearing loose white linens; ones that reminded one of a monk, priest, or nun. She had a small necklace around her neck, with a tiny pendant hanging at the bottom. The pendant was that of Io's symbol, and this too enraged me. I charged her, but she was too quick. With a flash she was out of my way, and I went skittering across the landscape.

"Now, Now." Her voice soothed. She seemed so calm and happy. Her voice was like warm honey on a cold day: relaxing, soothing, comforting. It didn't affect me. In fact, it only made me angrier. She should've been terrified, not happy and calm. I was going to kill her, and I was unnaturally determined about doing so.

I spun on a dime with my powerful paws and charged her again with lightning speed. She too moved, but once more out of my path. This time there was a flash, and before I knew better, my demonic body had been flipped upside down, and had been thrown to the ground with a loud crash. Pain ricocheted through my muscles, and for a moment I was immobile. It hurt to move even the slightest amount. I growled in pain and frustration: that hurt too.

"I know who you are. We both do." The angel's voice said again. She was standing by me now, at a distance of about five feet from my face. I growled once more and pain shot through my lungs. "I've been sent to help you." She continued after my sounds had ceased.

Ascension (New Style)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora