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The Beginning of Time - Somewhere in the Multiverse

In the beginning, there were three:

One of the Light, called Io.

One of the Earths, called Terra,

and One of the Darkness, called Deus.

Io watched over the heavens, the realms of good, and the planes of light. Terra watched over the planets, the realms of nature, and the planes of the wild. Deus watched over the Hells, the Abyss, the realms of darkness, and the planes of evil. Terra and Deus had powers over eachother, but Io had more power than Terra or Deus could ever have, being their creator. He was deemed the father deity of the two, and therefore he managed both of them.

Though the god and goddess were independant, as deities should be, each had their troubles. Terra, who is of nature, went always with her instincts, never caring for right or wrong. Deus, who is of the darkness, went always with what his greed and evil guided him to do, never thinking of others or what he was destroying in the process of his gains.

One eternity ago, Deus gave up on controlling the denizens of the darkness. The darkness suddenly broke free from the lower realms, and brought an era of darkness upon the multiverse. 

Io was not happy. He punishedd Deus. Severly. Io banished Deus from his position of power, and transformed him into one of the demons that Deus himself had designed. Like Lucifer from Heaven, Deus's spirit fell from the outlands, and into the lower planes. On his descent, his spirit took on a mortal form of a demon. His mind was wiped of most of the powers he once had and his spirit was reduced to that of a simple immortal.

On impact, Deus was struck unconscious. It was the first time he had experienced unconsciousness, and was very surprised to find himself in such a state.

His spirit had been molded into that of a demon, one who's figure resembled that of a large sabertooth/siberian tiger. The fur that was normally orange or white, was now black, and the stripes that were naturally black, were now streaks of flame that flicked off his fur whenever he moved. This beast was about nine feet tall, and fourteen feet long.

Wings of flame sprouted from the demon's back, and a thin, unstriped tail that ended in a sickly hooked blade leached from the demon's hindquarters. The head of the demon resembled that of a Tiger's, but with fangs about five times the size of what a natural tiger's would have been. The sabers totaled in lengths of one-and-a-half feet, with a tip as sharp as a razor blade's.

Deus was now a demon without a name, for all demons and devils were born with their infernal title imprinted on either their jaw bone, sternum, or one of their rib bones. Deus had no such markings. Demons are known for their uncontrolled rage, hatred, and love for destroying things that are good or precious to others. Deus knew that emotions as such existed, for he created them, but until that moment, when his flaming eyes first opened, he had never truly felt them.

Rage boiled up inside his demon heart, and the un-named demon could not control it. He was angry, at everything. He cursed the ground, the skies, even himself. His anger could not be enacted as of yet though. Paralization still had a grip on him, and his immortal body was still healing. 

The world that he had fallen into was a barren one. Being one of the deepest realms of the abyss, its desolate landscape, without trees, grass, or any life at all, seemed to blend in seemlessly with the blood red sky, and the black swirling clouds. Silhouettes of other realms sat in the skies far, far away from the barren wasteland that the un-named demon lay immobolized upon. At this point, there was no one else there to his knowledge. This troubled him; for the un-named demon remembered being able to sense even when the slightest of life-forms was anywhere near him. That power had been taken from him though, and this too made him angry.

Loneliness bubbled into the demon's heart. Not being able to move, or cry out, or even go and look for other life-forms on this wasteland upset the demon. He had never felt lonely before, but the demon that he had been turned into was that of the social type, one that normally developed clans and tribes and families of that one type of demon. He felt...abandoned. 

This sparked his rage once more. How dare his deity Io abandon him to some desolated hell? How dare he curse an eternity of immortal life upon him, and make his suffer all the emotions of a mortal man? How dare he transform his perfect spirit into the twisted and rough body of a demon? The rage continued to boil, till the un-named demon kicked one of his flaming legs visciously.

Then he stopped raging. Movement? The demon blinked. Movement! The large, cat-like demon sprang to its clawed feet and spread his wings. He was free! All his sorrow and rage left him almost instantly; for he had found something to be happy for, even if it was something that most took for granted. The demon stopped moving, and settled his feet securely on the rough ground. He gazed at his paws with moderate awe. Having never had a physical form before, it was quite intruiging to gaze down at himself, and all of his physicalities. His paws were about thrity inches across, and his long black claws were about ten inches long, each a dagger in its own right. Flames licked out from under his paws, and where ever he stepped, a scorched mark in the earth was left behind.

The demon's wings tucked tighly to his sides, and his flaming eyes scanned the landscape. A simply thought occured to him, "I must find company. For in company there is safety." Even as the great demon that he was, he still felt a primordial need for safety in numbers. He was ashamed of this instinctful feelings. Instincts were of Terra's elements, not Deus's! It enraged him once more, and for a moment he stomped the rocks and scarred them with his indestructable claws. 

Then the demon sighed and gave up. Anger would not change his situation. So, he began to trot along in one direction. He had no sense of direction-- there was none in this environment. All that he knew was that above him, there was air, and below him, there was earth. To every side of him, there was darkness.

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